@article{CTT100694113, author = {H.-J. Kwon and J.-A. Seo and T. Iwahashi and Y. Ouchi and D. Kim and H. Kook and Y.-H. Hwang}, title = {Study of Alkyl Chain Length Dependent Characteristics of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids [CnMIM]+[TFSA]− by Brillouin and Dielectric Loss Spectroscopy}, journal = {Current Applied Physics}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100694077, author = {Jun Lin and Hideki Yoshida and Takashi Iwahashi and Tamotsu Harada and Junpei Sakurai and Takashi Fujibayashi and Akihiro Tsuji and Jochen Hoetzel and Jean-Baptiste Orhan and Milja Hannu-Kuure and Admir Hadzic and Jarkko Leivo and Paul Williams and Ari Karkkainen and Hiroaki Hayashi and Shinobu Tanaka and Daisuke Matsunaga}, title = {Development of Next Generation Turnkey Solutions for Amorphous Si/Microcrystalline Si Tandem Thin Film Modules}, booktitle = {EUPVSEC Proceedings}, year = 2013, }