@article{CTT100704230, author = {Ogaki S and Shiraki N and Kume K and Shoen Kume}, title = {Wnt and Notch signals guide embryonic stem cell differentiation into the intestinal lineages.}, journal = {Stem Cells}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100713328, author = {Kawabata, Minako and Taro Ueno and Jun Tomita and Kawatani, Junko and Tomoda, Akemi and Shoen Kume and Kazuhiko Kume}, title = {Temporal organization of rest defined by actigraphy data in healthy and childhood chronic fatigue syndrome children}, journal = {Bmc Psychiatry}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100713329, author = {Iwashita, Hidefumi and Nobuaki Shiraki and Daisuke Sakano and Ikegami, Takashi and Shiga, Masanobu and Kazuhiko Kume and Shoen Kume}, title = {Secreted Cerberus1 as a Marker for Quantification of Definitive Endoderm Differentiation of the Pluripotent Stem Cells}, journal = {Plos One}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100713330, author = {Kahoko Umeda and Suzuki, Keiichiro and Taiji Yamazoe and Nobuaki Shiraki and Higuchi, Yuichiro and Tokieda, Kumiko and Kazuhiko Kume and Mitani, Kohnosuke and Shoen Kume}, title = {Albumin gene targeting in human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vector to monitor hepatic differentiation}, journal = {Stem Cell Research}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100713331, author = {Taiji Yamazoe and Nobuaki Shiraki and Toyoda, Masashi and Kiyokawa, Nobutaka and Okita, Hajime and Miyagawa, Yoshitaka and Akutsu, Hidenori and Umezawa, Akihiro and Sasaki, Yutaka and Kazuhiko Kume and Shoen Kume}, title = {A synthetic nanofibrillar matrix promotes in vitro hepatic differentiation of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells}, journal = {Journal of Cell Science}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100704232, author = {Kataoka M and Kawamuro Y and Shiraki N and Miki R and Daisuke Sakano and Yoshida T and Yasukawa T and Kume K and Shoen Kume}, title = {Recovery from diabetes in neonatal mice after a low-dose streptozotocin treatment.}, journal = {}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100712039, author = {坂野大介 and 白木 伸明 and 粂昭苑}, title = {多能性幹細胞から膵β細胞への分化 (特集 発生・分化・再生と代謝関連臓器)}, year = 2013, } @misc{CTT100712037, author = {山添 太士 and 白木 伸明 and 佐々木 裕 and 粂昭苑}, title = {肝臓の再生医療 (特集 再生医療)}, year = 2013, }