@inproceedings{CTT100775565, author = {藤墳 大裕 and 蘆田 隆一 and 三浦 孝一}, title = {No.3 穏和な溶剤処理による低品位炭素資源の改質および自然発火性抑制の試み(改質・処理・クリーン化(1))}, booktitle = {石炭科学会議発表論文集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100775564, author = {藤墳 大裕 and 盧田 隆一 and 三浦 孝一}, title = {1-3-3 低品位炭素資源の改質を伴う自然発火性抑制法の開発(1-3 褐炭、改質,Session 1 石炭・重質油等)}, booktitle = {日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100757821, author = {Hiroyasu Fujitsuka and Ryuichi Ashida and Kouichi Miura}, title = {Suppression of self-ignition tendency of low rank coals using degradative solvent extraction at around 350°C}, booktitle = {29th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2012, PCC 2012}, year = 2012, }