@article{CTT100707862, author = {T. Murahashi and K. Usui and Y. Tachibana and S. Kimura and S. Ogoshi}, title = {Selective Construction of Pd2Pt and PdPt2 Triangles in a Sandwich Framework: Carbocyclic Ligands as Scaffolds for a Mixed-Metal System}, journal = {Chem. Eur. J}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100708150, author = {T. Murahashi and K.shirato and A.Fukushima and K. Takase and T. Suenobu and S. Fukuzumi and S. Ogoshi and H. Kurosawa}, title = {Redox-induced Reversible Metal Assembly through Translocation and Reversible Ligand Coupling in Tetranuclear Metal Sandwich Frameworks}, journal = {Nature Chem.}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100707861, author = {Tetsuro Murahashi}, title = {A New Class of Sandwich Compounds: Connection of Metal Atoms from Point to Line and Plane}, year = 2012, }