@article{CTT100702143, author = {Hirofumi Akamatsu and Koji Fujita and Yanhua Zong and Naohiro Takemoto and Shunsuke Murai and Katsuhisa Tanaka}, title = {Impact of amorphization on the magnetic properties of EuO-TiO2 system}, journal = {Physical Review B}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100702142, author = {Yanhua Zong and Kazuma Kugimiya and Koji Fujita and Hirofumi Akamatsu and Kazuyuki Hirao and Katsuhisa Tanaka}, title = {Preparation and magnetic properties of amorphous EuTiO3 thin films}, journal = {Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100702138, author = {Hirofumi Akamatsu and Koji Fujita and Shunsuke Murai and Katsuhisa Tanaka}, title = {Ferromagnetic Eu2+-based oxide glasses with reentrant spin glass behavior}, journal = {Physical Review B}, year = 2010, }