@article{CTT100709196, author = {Gay Amabelle Go and Shuichi Watanabe and Gay Amabelle Go and Yoshiyuki Tanaka and Gay Amabelle Go and Atsushi Watanabe and Toshihiro Miyajima and Masahiro Nakaoka and Wilfredo H. Uy and Kazuo Nadaoka and Shuichi Watanabe and Miguel Fortes}, title = {17-year change in species composition of mixed seagrass beds around Santiago Island, Bolinao, the northwestern Philippines}, journal = {Marine Pollution Bulletin}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100880856, author = {渡邉敦 and 中村隆志 and 灘岡和夫 and 宮島利宏 and 茅根創}, title = {石西礁湖周辺海域における海洋酸性化の現状と炭酸系動態}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100734016, author = {Ramos, R.V. and Blanco, A.C. and Yoshikai and M. Tsuchiya and Nadaoka, K. and Watanabe, A. and Yamamoto, T. and Miguel Fortes and San Diego-McGlone, M.L. and Herrera, E.C. and Nakaoka, M. and YOSHIYUKI TANAKA and Miyajima, T.}, title = {Development and Applications of an Integrated Decision Support System for realizing Sustainable Aquaculture and Coastal Ecosystem in Bolinao and its surrounding areas}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100734457, author = {Miyajima, T. and M.Hori and H.Shimabukuro and M.Hamaguchi and K.Nadaoka and H.Adachi}, title = {Organic carbon preservation in tropical seagrass-bed sediments: importance of sorptive vs. non-sorptive mechanisms}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, }