@article{CTT100833332, author = {Suguru Uemura and Katsunori Sakai and Takashi Sasabe and Hidetoshi Matsumoto and Hidekazu Sugimori and Kazuhiko Shinohara and Shuichiro Hirai}, title = {Effect of reaction products on the PEFC catalyst ink property and catalyst layer quality}, journal = {ECS Trans.}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100833331, author = {S. Uemura and K. Sakai and T. Sasabe and H. Matsumoto and H. Sugimori and K. Shinohara and S. Hirai}, title = {Effect of reaction products on the PEFC catalyst ink property and catalyst layer quality}, booktitle = {Meeting Abstracts of PRiME 2020}, year = 2020, }