@article{CTT100774089, author = {Satoshi Arai and Rókus Kriszt and Kazuki Harada and Liang-Sheng Looi and Shogo Matsuda and Devina Wongso and Satoshi Suo and Shoichi Ishiura and Yu-Hua Tseng and Michael Raghunath and Toshiro Ito and Takashi Tsuboi and Tetsuya Kitaguchi.}, title = {RGB-color intensiometric indicators visualize spatiotemporal dynamics of ATP in single cells.}, journal = {}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100761172, author = {Jiulong Su and Jinhua Dong and Tetsuya Kitaguchi and Yuki Omuro and Hiroshi Ueda}, title = {Noncompetitive homogeneous immunodetection of small molecules based on beta-glucuronidase complementation}, journal = {Analyst}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100771381, author = {上田宏 and 大室有紀 and 北口哲也}, title = {均相系測定を可能にする抗原応答性標識抗体の創製}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100831058, author = {上田宏 and SuJiulong and 北口哲也 and 大室有紀 and Shawn Hoon and Cyrus Beh }, title = {バイオセンサー}, howpublished = {登録特許}, year = 2022, month = {}, note = {特願2018-207624(2018/11/02), 特開2020-068746(2020/05/07), 特許第7169582号(2022/11/02)} }