@article{CTT100807097, author = {Shingo Tajima and Yukihiro Okuda and Takamoto Watanabe and Hitoshi Aoyama and Michiharu Yamamoto and Tsuyoshi Uchiyama}, title = {High-Resolution Magneto-Impedance Sensor With TAD for Low Noise Signal Processing}, journal = {IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100807108, author = {K. Wang and S. Tajima and Y. Asano and Y.Okuda and N. Hamada and C. Cai and T. Uchiyama}, title = {Detection of P300 brain waves using a Magneto-Impedance sensor}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensing Technology}, year = 2014, }