@article{CTT100882845, author = {Wataru Umishio and Toshiharu Ikaga and Kazuomi Kario and Yoshihisa Fujino and Masaru Suzuki and Shintaro Ando and Tanji Hoshi and Takesumi Yoshimura and Hiroshi Yoshino and Shuzo Murakami}, title = {Role of housing in blood pressure control: a review of evidence from the Smart Wellness Housing survey in Japan}, journal = {Hypertension Research}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100883451, author = {Bai Song and Hiroshi Yoshino and Tomonobu Goto and Huibo Zhang and Jun Guan and Kenichi Hasegawa and Naoki Kagi and Nianping Li and Zhenhai Li and Jing Liu and Yang Lv and Jingchao Xie and U Yanagi and Qingyuan Zhang}, title = {Indoor thermal environment during heating season and the health of elderly in China}, journal = {Science and Technology for the Built Environment}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100869635, author = {Umishio W and Ikaga T and Kario K and Fujino Y and Suzuki M and Hoshi T and Ando S and Yoshimura T and Yoshino H and Murakami S}, title = {Association between Indoor Temperature in Winter and Serum Cholesterol: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Smart Wellness Housing Survey in Japan}, journal = {Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis(JAT)}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100896164, author = {Hiroshi Yoshino and Huibo Zhang and Jun Guan and Zenhai Li and U Yanagi and Bai Song and Kenichi Hasegawa and Jing Liu and Yang Lv and Qingyuan Zhang and Tomonobu Goto and Naoki Kagi and Niaping Li and Jingchao Xie}, title = {Study on the Indoor Environment and the Health of Elderly in China}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, }