@book{CTT100845785, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. A. K. Doan and N. Swaminathan}, title = {MILD combustion}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100920391, author = {D Kiran and Y Minamoto and K Osawa and M Shimura and M Tanahashi}, title = {A Direct Numerical Simulation Study for Flame Structure and Propagation Characteristics of Multi-Jet Flames}, journal = {Combustion Science and Technology}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100908379, author = {Ye Wang and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and MAMORU TANAHASHI}, title = {Quenching modes of local flame-wall interaction for turbulent premixed methane combustion in a constant volume vessel}, journal = {Combustion Technology, and Modelling}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100898544, author = {A. Abekawa and Y. Minamoto and Kosuke Osawa and H. Shimamoto and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Exploration of robust machine learning strategy for subgrid scale stress modeling}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100898543, author = {Kherlen Jigjid and Yuki Minamoto and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification: Development and a priori study}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100898539, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Kherlen Jigjid and Rentaro Igari and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effect of flame–flame interaction on scalar PDF in turbulent premixed flames}, journal = {}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100898540, author = {Defne KIRAN and Yuki MINAMOTO and Masayasu SHIMURA and Mamoru TANAHASHI}, title = {Effect of Steam Dilution on the Structure and Stabilization of Lifted Flames of Hydrogen}, journal = {日本燃焼学会誌}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100869258, author = {R. Nakazawa and Y. Minamoto and N. Inoue and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Species reaction rate modelling based on physics-guided machine learning}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100869259, author = {H. Shehab and H. Watanabe and Y. Minamoto and R. Kurose and T. Kitagawa}, title = {Morphology and Structure of Spherically Propagating Premixed Turbulent Hydrogen--Air Flames}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2022, } @article{CTT100845438, author = {M. Matsuda and T. Yokomori and M. Shimura and Y. Minamoto and M. Tanahashi and N. Iida}, title = {Development of cycle-to-cycle variation of the tumble flow motion in a cylinder of an SI IC engine with Miller cycle}, journal = {International Journal of Engine Research}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845442, author = {K. Jigjid and C. Tamaoki and Y. Minamoto and R. Nakazawa and N. Inoue and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100869257, author = {D. Kiran and Y. Minamoto and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Effect of Steam Dilution on the Structure and Stabilization of Lifted Flames of Hydrogen}, journal = {Journal of the Combustion Society of Japan}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100869244, author = {A. Fuse and R. Yamada and Y. Minamoto and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {A derivation of temperature-based energy equation for LES of isochoric turbulent combustion with FDSGS model}, journal = {Combustion Theory and Modelling}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845444, author = {K. Osawa and Y. Minamoto and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Voronoi analysis of vortex clustering in homogeneous isotropic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845443, author = {K. Jigjid and C. Tamaoki and Y. Minamoto and R. Nakazawa and N. Inoue and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Corrigendum to "Data driven analysis and prediction of MILD combustion mode}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845441, author = {Z. M. Nikolaou and C. Chrysostomou and Y. Minamoto and L. Vervisch}, title = {Evaluation of a Neural Network-Based Closure for the Unresolved Stresses in Turbulent Premixed V-Flames}, journal = {Flow, Turbulence and Combustion}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845440, author = {Y. Minamoto and Y. Kondo and K. Osawa and Y. Harada and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of low-temperature chemistry on the wall heat flux in HCCI combustion}, journal = {Proceedings of Combustion Institute}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100845439, author = {N. A. K. Doan and S. Bansude and K. Osawa and Y. Minamoto and T. Lu and J. H. Chen and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Identifcation of combustion mode under MILD conditions using Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis}, journal = {Proceedings of Combustion Institute}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100843512, author = {Park, J. and Minamoto, Y. and Shimura, M. and Tanahashi, M.}, title = {Effects of Hydrogen Enrichment on CH4/Air Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flames in a Cuboid Combustor}, journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100845437, author = {K. Narukawa and Y. Minamoto and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Near-wall flame propagation behaviour with and without surface reactions}, journal = {Fuel}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100843513, author = {Aoki, K. and Shimura, M. and Park, J. and Minamoto, Y. and Tanahashi, M.}, title = {Response of Heat Release Rate to Flame Straining in Swirling Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flames}, journal = {Flow, Turbulence and Combustion}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100788490, author = {M. Shimura and S. Yoshida and K. Osawa and Y. Minamoto and T. Yokomori and K. Iwamoto and M. Tanahashi and H. Kosaka}, title = {Micro particle image velocimetry investigation of near-wall behaviors of tumble enhanced flow in an internal combustion engine}, journal = {International Journal of Engine Research}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100816229, author = {D. M. Manias and E.-A. Tingas and Y. Minamoto and H. G. Im}, title = {Topological and chemical characteristics of turbulent flames at MILD conditions}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100816228, author = {Y. Minamoto and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Effect of turbulent motions at different length scales on turbulent premixed swirl-stabilised flame topology}, journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100816226, author = {D.-H. Shin and E. S. Richardson and V. Aparace-Scutariu and Y. Minamoto and J. Chen}, title = {Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS}, journal = {Proceedings of Combustion Institute}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100816227, author = {Z. M. Nikolaou and Y. Minamoto and L. Vervisch}, title = {Unresolved stress tensor modelling in turbulent premixed V-flames using iterative deconvolution: An a priori assessment}, journal = {Physical Review Fluids}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788489, author = {G. Ghiasi and N. A. K. Doan and N. Swaminathan and B. Yenerdag and Y. Minamoto and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Assessment of SGS closure for isochoric combustion of hydrogen-air mixture}, journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788491, author = {T. Itoh and Y. Naka and Y. Minamoto and Masayasu. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {Large-scale clustering of coherent fine-scale eddies in a turbulent mixing layer}, journal = {International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100762905, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Basmil Yenerdag and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Morphology and structure of hydrogen-air turbulent premixed flames}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100762904, author = {Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan and Nedunchezhian Swaminathan and Yuki Minamoto}, title = {DNS of MILD combustion with mixture fraction variations}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100762903, author = {Naoyuki Saito and Yuki Minamoto and Basmil Yenerdag and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of turbulence on ignition of methane–air and n-heptane–air fully premixed mixtures}, journal = {Combustion Science and Technology}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100750466, author = {Basmil Yenerdag and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Yuzuru Nada and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Flame-wall interactions of lean premixed flames under elevated, rising pressure conditions}, journal = {Fuel}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100750465, author = {Katsuhiro Hiraoka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Yoshitsugu Naka and Naoya Fukushima and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {A Fractal Dynamic SGS Combustion Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Flames}, journal = {Combustion Science and Technology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100709620, author = {Y. Minamoto and J. H. Chen}, title = {DNS of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100709621, author = {Y. Minamoto and Yoshitsugu Naka and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Flame propagation and heat transfer characteristics of a hydrogen--air premixed flame in a constant volume vessel}, journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100750464, author = {Katsuhiro Hiraoka and Yoshitsugu Naka and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Naoya Fukushima and Mamoru Tanahashi and Toshio Miyauchi}, title = {Evaluations of SGS Combustion, Scalar Flux and Stress Models in a Turbulent Jet Premixed Flame}, journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100750461, author = {Y. Gao and Yuki Minamoto and MAMORU TANAHASHI and N Chakraborty}, title = {A priori assessment of scalar dissipation rate closure for Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed combustion using a detailed chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation database}, journal = {Combustion Science and Technology}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100696889, author = {Y. Minamoto and K. Aoki and M. Tanahashi and N. Swaminathan}, title = {DNS of swirling hydrogen-air premixed flame}, journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100696887, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Subgrid scale modelling for MILD combustion}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100696888, author = {Y. Minamoto and H. Kolla and R. W. Grout and A. Gruber and J. H. Chen}, title = {Effect of fuel composition and differential diffusion on flame stabilization in reacting syngas jets in turbulent cross-flow}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100696883, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan and R. S. Cant and T. Leung}, title = {Reaction zones and their structure in MILD combustion}, journal = {Combustion Science and Technology}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100696886, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Scalar gradient behaviour in MILD combustion}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100696885, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan and R. S. Cant and T. Leung}, title = {Morphological and statistical features of reaction zones in MILD and premixed combustion}, journal = {Combustion and Flame}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100696884, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Modelling paradigms for MILD combustion}, journal = {International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100696881, author = {T. D. Dunstan and Y. Minamoto and N. Chakraborty and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Scalar dissipation rate modelling for Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent premixed flames}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100696882, author = {Y. Minamoto and T. D. Dunstan and N. Swaminathan and R. S. Cant}, title = {DNS of EGR-type turbulent flame in MILD condition}, journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100642483, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Fukushima and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi and T. Dunstan and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Effect of Flow-Geometry on Turbulence-Scalar Interaction in Premixed Flames}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100898533, author = {櫻井 誠人 and 神永 拓輝 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {火炎壁面干渉に対するEGR成層の効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898534, author = {冨澤 陽亮 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {マルチクラスターバーナーに形成される水素/水蒸気希釈酸素拡散火炎の燃焼特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898528, author = {小林 詢大 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {PCA-GANによる乱流燃焼DNSデータの拡張}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898532, author = {Ye Wang and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahash}, title = {Numerical study of near-wall flame propagation and flame-wall interaction for lean premixed turbulent combustion in a constant volume vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898522, author = {南 啓伸 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {局所コルモゴロフスケールAI予測に基づいたSGS燃焼モデルの開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898517, author = {神永 拓輝 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {HOQ型火炎壁面干渉におけるCO挙動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898519, author = {小林 詢大 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {バスト機械学習予測のための乱流燃焼DNSデータ拡張に関する基礎検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898518, author = {源 勇気 and Jigjid Kherlen and 店橋 護}, title = {反応性同定における局所燃焼モードの影響に関する基礎検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898538, author = {Yousuke Tomisawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Investigation of Steam-Diluted Hydrogen/Oxygen Lifted Flame Formed with Cross Jets in a Multi-Cluster Burner}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898536, author = {Ryoichi Urasaki and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Lean, high EGR rate TRF-air turbulent combustion with tumble flow in a constant volume vessel at elevated pressure}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898537, author = {Kherlen Jigjid and Yuki Minamoto and Nguyen Anh Khoa Doan and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {SGS Reaction rate modelling for MILD combustion based on machine-learning combustion mode classification}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898514, author = {神永 拓輝 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {機械学習による火炎壁面干渉における壁面熱損失の予測モデル構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100898513, author = {小林 詢大 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {乱流燃焼研究における教師なし機械学習結果の特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869256, author = {南啓伸 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {Prediction of Local Kolmogorov Length Scale Using Deep Neural Network in a Combustion LES Context}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869255, author = {Ye Wang and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effect of Turbulence Intensity on Flame-wall Interactions of Turbulent Premixed Flame in an Enclosed Rectangular Domain}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100869250, author = {佐藤 健介 and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {マルチクラスタバーナに形成される水蒸気希釈酸素・水素乱流非予混合火炎のLES}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869253, author = {Y. Tomisawa and Y. Minamoto and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi}, title = {DNS of Steam-Diluted Hydrogen/Oxygen Multi-Cluster Burner}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869249, author = {冨澤 陽亮 and 店橋 護 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康}, title = {衝突流に形成される水蒸気希釈酸素水素浮き上がり火炎の燃焼特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869251, author = {ジグジッド・ヘルレン and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {Neural Network Aided Sub-Grid Scale Reaction Rate Model for MILD Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100879818, author = {神永 拓輝 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {HOQ型火炎壁面干渉における壁面熱損失の機械学習モデル}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100879809, author = {Ryota Matsushima and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Prediction of local fractal dimension of turbulent premixed flame by machine learning}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869254, author = {Kensuke Sato and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Large Eddy Simulation of Steam-diluted O2/H2 Turbulent Non-premixed Flame in a Multi-cluster Burner}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869248, author = {南啓伸 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {異なる乱流燃焼条件に適用可能な局所コルモゴロフスケール AI 予測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869247, author = {浦崎 凌一 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {定容容器内希薄高EGR率TRF・空気乱流予混合火炎の壁面近傍挙動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869252, author = {Ryoichi Urasaki and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {High EGR Rate, Lean TRF-air Turbulent Combustion with Tumble Flow in a Constant Volume Vessel at Elevated Pressure}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100869245, author = {ジグジッド・ヘルレン and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {乱流予混合火炎における火炎干渉とスカラー分布の関係}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100854556, author = {Takahiro Konagamitsu and Kohei Sakai and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {High EGR Rate, Lean TRF-air Turbulent Combustion with Tumble Flow in a Constant Volume Vessel at Elevated Pressure}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100845447, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Yuta Kondo and Kosuke Osawa and Yuji Harada and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of low-temperature chemistry on the wall heat flux in HCCI combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100845457, author = {中釜 雄太郎 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高強度乱流乱流予混合火炎のSGS燃焼特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845453, author = {源 勇気 and ジグジッド ヘルレン and 玉置 千智 and 店橋 護}, title = {データ指向型手法によるMILD燃焼モードの解明とモデル開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854550, author = {中釜 雄太郎 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高Ka数乱流予混合火炎のMorphology特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845456, author = {中澤 凌太 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {保存則を考慮に入れた深層学習によるレイノルズ平均反応速度モデル構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100854555, author = {南 啓伸 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高精度SGS燃焼モデルのための局所コルモゴロフスケールAI予測}, booktitle = {第 34 回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845452, author = {中釜 雄太郎 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高カルロビッツ数乱流予混合火炎の Morphology 特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845450, author = {ジグジッド・ヘルレン and 源 勇気 and 玉置 千智 and 店橋 護}, title = {複合的燃焼場における局所燃焼モードのデータ指向型解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845446, author = {Defne Kiran and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation of Interacting Non-Premixed Hydrogen-Oxygen Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845449, author = {安部川 朝光 and 中澤 凌太 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護 and 大坂 淳 and 栗本 直規}, title = {深層学習に基づく壁乱流モデル開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845448, author = {Jigjid Kherlen and Yuki Minamoto and Nakazawa Ryota and Inoue Nakamasa and Tanahashi Mamoru}, title = {A DNN based identifier for MILD combustion mode in an LES context}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100845451, author = {酒井 康平 and 小長光 貴裕 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {タンブル流を伴う高圧容器内の高EGR率希薄乱流予混合燃焼}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100816246, author = {Defne Kiran and Kosuke Osawa and Mohamed Shamma and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Direct Numerical Simulations of Steam Diluted Hydrogen-Oxygen Lifted Flame}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816239, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Andrea Gruber}, title = {Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in a Simplified Combustion Chamber with a Crevice}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816248, author = {Ryota Nakazawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Fundamental Analysis of Turbulent Combustion Modelling with Deep Learning}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816247, author = {Yutaro Nakagama and Takahiro Konagamitsu and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Topological Characteristics of High Karlovitz Number Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816236, author = {中釜 雄太郎 and 小長光 貴裕 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高カルロビッツ数乱流予混合火炎のSGS燃焼特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816238, author = {神崎 諒平 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {乱流燃焼DNSのための高精度埋込境界法の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816237, author = {普世 梓 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {定容容器内乱流燃焼場を対象としたSGSモデル}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816235, author = {中澤 凌太 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {深層学習を応用したレイノルズ平均反応速度モデル}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816244, author = {Kosuke Osawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Role of fine scale eddy cluster on turbulent dissipation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100822662, author = {源 勇気 and 生川 功祐 and 田中 翔太 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {壁面近傍における火炎伝播特性と表面反応の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816245, author = {Ryota Nakazawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Analysis for Deep Learning Based Turbulent Combustion Modelling}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816234, author = {大沢 耕介 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高レイノルズ数壁面剪断乱流の微細渦クラスター}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816243, author = {Takahiro Konagamitsu and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {High EGR Rate, Lean TRF-air Turbulent Combustion with a Tumble Flow in a Constant Volume Vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816240, author = {Yutaro Nakagama and Takahiro Konagamitsu and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Topological Characteristics of High Karlovitz Number Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816242, author = {Joonhwi Park and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Direct Numerical Simulations of Hydrogen-Enriched Methane/air Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816241, author = {Jaewon Son and Kosuke Osawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Inter-Scale Energy Transfer in Cluster of Dissipative Structure in Turbulent Free Shear Flow}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816230, author = {Defne Kiran and Mohamed Shamma and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Direct Numerical Simulations of Hydrogen-Oxygen Lifted Flames at Gas Turbine Engine Relevant Conditions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816231, author = {中澤 凌太 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {深層学習を活用した乱流燃焼モデルの開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100816233, author = {中釜 雄太郎 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高Karlovitz 数乱流予混合火炎の幾何学特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100793585, author = {Dimitris M. Manias and Alexandros-Efstathios Tingas and Hong G. Im and Yuki Minamoto}, title = {Dynamics Analysis of a Turbulent Methane Flame in MILD Combustion Conditions Read More: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2019-1731}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100793582, author = {Park Joonhwi and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {水素添加メタン/空気旋回乱流予混合火炎の直接数値計算}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793580, author = {生川 功祐 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {予混合火炎の壁面近傍挙動と表面反応}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788503, author = {Joonhwi Park and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of hydrogen enrichment ratios and turbulence on the structures of methane/hydrogen/air turbulent swirling flames in a cuboid combustor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788502, author = {Kosuke Narukawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {DNS Investigation of Near-Wall Flame Behavior Including Radical Quenching Effect}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793576, author = {小長光 貴裕 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {タンブル流を伴う希薄高EGR率TRF・空気定容容器内乱流予混合燃焼}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793577, author = {源 勇気 and YENERDAG Basmil and 店橋 護}, title = {位相幾何学に基づく水素・空気旋回乱流予混合火炎の形態と構造の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793578, author = {諸貫 達哉 and Siddhartha Kumar and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 横森 剛 and 店橋 護}, title = {タンブル強化SIエンジン内希薄火炎の複数化学種PLIF同時計測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793579, author = {Park Joonhwi and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {メタン/水素/空気旋回乱流予混合火炎構造に対する水素添加率及び乱流の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793570, author = {小長光 貴裕 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {タンブル流を伴う高EGR率希薄TRF・空気乱流予混合気火炎}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793573, author = {生川功祐 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {予混合火炎の壁面近傍挙動に対する表面反応の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788500, author = {Kosuke Osawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Formation of Fine-scale Eddy Cluster in Turbulent Flows}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788501, author = {Mohamed Shamma and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Direct Numerical Simulation of H2/O2 Laminar Lifted Flame with Steam Dilution}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788504, author = {Yuki Minamoto}, title = {Topological Features of Reaction Zones in Turbulent Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100816219, author = {源 勇気 and YENERDAG Basmil and 店橋 護}, title = {水素・空気旋回乱流予混合燃焼場における乱流-火炎の干渉スケールの位相幾何学的解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793568, author = {Moahmed Shamma and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and MAMORU TANAHASHI}, title = {Flame Structure of Hydrogen Laminar Lifted Flame with Steam Dilution}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793569, author = {小長光貴裕 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {高EGR率・低当量比混合気の着火特性に対する乱流の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793565, author = {大沢耕介 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {高レイノルズ数乱流における微細渦クラスターの形成機構}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788495, author = {Joonhwi Park and Kozo Aoki and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {DNS of methane/hydrogen air turbulent swirling flame in a cuboid combustor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788497, author = {Siddhartha Kumar and Tatsuya Moronuki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Takeshi Yokomori and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {OH PLIF investigation on flame development in gasoline engine under strong tumble flow}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788494, author = {Kosuke Narukawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {DNS of Near-Wall Flame Propagation , World Congress in Computational Mechanics}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788493, author = {Takahiro Konagamitsu and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of Turbulence on Ignition of Fully Premixed Mixtures with Hydrocarbon Fuels}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788498, author = {Yuta Kondo and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Numerical investigation of ignition characteristics in a HCCI configuration}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793561, author = {生川 功祐 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {壁面と干渉する予混合火炎の伝播特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793562, author = {諸貫 達哉 and Siddhartha Kumar and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 横森 剛 and 店橋 護}, title = {タンブル強化SIエンジン内希薄火炎のOH PLIF計測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793563, author = {小長光 貴裕 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {低当量比・高EGR率混合気の着火特性に対する乱流の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100793564, author = {Park Joonhwi and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {メタン/水素/空気旋回乱流予混合火炎に対する燃料組成の影響}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100762915, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Numerical and Experimental Studies of Lean, Diluted Turbulent Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100762920, author = {Basmil Yenerdag and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Flame Displacement Speed Characteristics of Turbulent Premixed Flames in a Constant Volume Vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762917, author = {Yuta Kondo and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Numerical Study of Ignition and Flame Propagation Characteristics under N-heptane-air HCCI Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762909, author = {Kosuke Osawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Fine scale eddy cluster in turbulent channel flow}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762964, author = {近藤 悠太 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {定容容器内nヘプタン・空気HCCI燃焼における着火・伝播特性の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762962, author = {Basmil Yenerdag and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Local Flame Displacement Speed of Centrally-Ignited Premixed Flame in Constant Volume Vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762961, author = {源 勇気 and Basmil Yenerdag and 店橋 護}, title = {位相幾何学に基づく高ダムケラー数水素・空気乱流予混合火炎の形態と構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762960, author = {青木 虹造 and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {旋回乱流予混合火炎の火炎構造と局所熱発生率変動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762910, author = {Siddhartha Kumar and Tatsuya Moronuki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Takeshi Yokomori and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {OH PLIF measurement in spark ignition engine with tumble flow}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762908, author = {Kosuke Narukawa and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Near-Wall Flame Propagation Characteristics}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762913, author = {Rie Yamada and Yuzuru Nada and Basmil Yenerdag and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {A Fractal Dynamic SGS Combustion Model for LES of Turbulent Premixed Flames under a Pressure Rising Condition}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762911, author = {Basmil Yenerdag and Yuzuru Nada and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Effects of Wall Heat Loss on Near Wall Flame Behaviors in a Confined Turbulent Premixed Flame}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762912, author = {Tsugumi Maeda and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {OH-CH2O PLIF Measurements in Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762921, author = {山田 理恵 and 名田 譲 and 平岡 克大 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {平均圧力上昇を伴う乱流予混合火炎のLESのためのフラクタル・ダイナミックSGS燃焼モデル}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762916, author = {Yuta Kondo and Yuki Minamoto and Yuji Harada and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {FLAME-WALL INTERACTION OF N-HEPTANE-AIR COMBUSTION IN A HCCI CONFIGURATION}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762967, author = {N. A. K. Doan and Yuki. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Modes of Combustion and Reaction Zones Morphology in MILD Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762923, author = {Jaewon Son and Toshitaka Itoh and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Clustering of Fine-scale Eddies and its Relation with Large-scale Structures in Temporal Mixing Layer at High Reynolds Number}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762922, author = {Jaewon Son and Toshitaka Itoh and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Clustering of Fine-scale Eddies and its Relation with Large-scale Structures in Temporal Mixing Layer at High Reynolds Number}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762963, author = {近藤 悠太 and 源 勇気 and 原田 雄司 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {nヘプタン・空気HCCI燃焼における壁面と火炎の干渉機構に関する研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762966, author = {志村 祐康 and 吉田 真悟 and 源 勇気 and 横森 剛 and 瀬尾 健彦 and 店橋 護}, title = {高空間分解能PIVによるガソリンエンジン筒内点火点近傍の乱流特性の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762919, author = {Masayasu Shimura and Shingo Yoshida and Yuki Minamoto and Takeshi Yokomori and Kaoru Iwamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi and Hidenori Kosaka}, title = {Micro PIV Investigation of Near Wall Behaviors of Tumble Enhanced Flow in an IC Engine}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762914, author = {Kozo Aoki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Disturbance Energy Analysis of Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flame in a Cuboid Combustor}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762918, author = {Masayasu Shimura and Shingo Yoshida and Tsugumi Maeda and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi and Takeshi Yokomori and Hideki Hashimoto and Takehiko Seo}, title = {A MICRO PIV INVESTIGATION OF TUMBLE FLOW AND TURBULENCE CHARACTERISTICS IN AN IC ENGINE}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762924, author = {朴 �輝 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {メタン/水素・空気旋回乱流予混合火炎の直接数値計算}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762965, author = {志村 祐康 and 吉田 真悟 and 源 勇気 and 松田 昌祥 and 横森 剛 and 橋本 英樹 and 瀬尾 健彦 and 店橋 護}, title = {高空間分解能PIVによるタンブル流強化ガソリンエンジン内の流動特性の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762925, author = {青木 虹造 and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 店橋 護}, title = {旋回乱流予混合火炎の変動エネルギー解析に基づく熱音響不安定性の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100762907, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi and Masayasu Shimura}, title = {Transition of Combustion Mode During Flame-Flame Interaction and Its Modelling Implementation}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100750480, author = {Tsugumi Maeda and Shingo Yoshida and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {OH-CH2O PLIF for Investigation of Heat Release Rate Characteristics in Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100750481, author = {Kozo Aoki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Disturbance Generation and Evolution in Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flame}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100802532, author = {Naka, Y. and Itoh, T. and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and MAMORU TANAHASHI}, title = {Coherent fine-scale eddy cluster in a turbulent mixing layer}, booktitle = {10th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2017}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100750477, author = {Shingo Yoshida and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Masayoshi Matsuda and Takashi Yokomori and Hideki Hashimoto and Takehiko Seo and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {A PIV Investigation into Strong Tumble Flow Characteristics in Engine Cylinder}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750497, author = {源勇気}, title = {超希薄・高EGR率ヘプタン・空気予混合気の着火の直接数値計算}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750496, author = {山田理恵 and 名田譲 and 平岡克大 and Yenerdag Basmil and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {定容容器内乱流予混合火炎のためのフラクタル・ダイナミックSGS燃焼モデルの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750495, author = {木原瑞希 and 源勇気 and 中吉嗣 and 福島直哉 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {格子幅自己認識型SGS モデルの平行平板間乱流への適用性向上}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750479, author = {Kozo Aoki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Contribution of Disturbance Energy Sources to Thermoacoustic Instability}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750478, author = {Tsugumi Maeda and Shingo Yoshida and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {OH-CH2O PLIF Measurements of Heat Release Rate in Turbulent Premixed Combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750473, author = {Naoyuki Saito and Yuki Minamoto and Basmil Yenerdag and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Numerical Investigation on Ignition Criterion and Flame Kernel Growth of Ultra-Lean and High EGR Rate Methane-Air Turbulent Mixture}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750493, author = {青木虹造 and 志村祐康 and 源勇気 and 店橋護}, title = {旋回乱流予混合火炎における変動エネルギー生成項の動的特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750500, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Kozo Aoki and Kosuke Osawa and Alexandru Prodan and Tuo Shi and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {A high-order immersed boundary method for high-fidelity turbulent combustion simulations}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750491, author = {前田つぐみ and 吉田真悟 and 中吉嗣 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {OH-CH2O PLIFによる乱流予混合火炎の熱発生率計測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750492, author = {小松謙治朗 and 志村祐康 and 源勇気 and 店橋護}, title = {円形DBDプラズマアクチュエータが旋回乱流希薄予混合燃焼に与える影響}, booktitle = {第54回燃焼シンポジウム}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750476, author = {Yuki Kishita and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Large Structures of Drag-Reducing Pipe Flow by Surfactant Additives}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750475, author = {Mizuki Kihara and Yuki Minamoto and Yoshitsugu Naka and Naoya Fukushima and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Near-wall Behavior of a Scale Self-Recognition Mixed SGS Model}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750474, author = {Koji Yabuta and Kozo Aoki and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {An Experimental Study on Dynamics of Turbulent Premixed Flame Stabilized in a Swirl Flow by High-speed OH PLIF Measurements}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750488, author = {齋藤 尚幸 and 源 勇気 and Yenerdag Basmil and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {超希薄・高EGR率ヘプタン・空気予混合気の着火特性に関する研究}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750486, author = {籔田晃司 and 青木虹造 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {高時間分解能OH-PLIF計測による旋回乱流予混合火炎の動的特性の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750487, author = {平岡 克大 and 志村 祐康 and 源 勇気 and 中 吉嗣 and 福島 直哉 and 店橋 護}, title = {乱流予混合火炎のlarge eddy simulationのための格子幅自己認識型SGS燃焼モデルの開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750490, author = {Yenerdag Basmil and 源勇気 and 中吉嗣 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {定容容器内における水素・空気乱流予混合火炎の火炎伝播特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750471, author = {Katsuhiro Hiraoka and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {A subgrid scale combustion model based on an explicit expression for the Kolmogorov length scale}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750485, author = {木原瑞希 and 源勇気 and 中吉嗣 and 福島直哉 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {平行平板間乱流における格子幅自己認識型SGS モデル}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750472, author = {Basmil Yenerdag and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Investigations on Flame-wall Interactions of Lean Premixed Flame with High EGR Rate in a Constant Volume Vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750484, author = {木下祐輝 and 中吉嗣 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {界面活性剤を添加した抵抗低減円管流れにおける大規模組織構造}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750469, author = {Naoyuki Saito and Yuki Minamoto and Yoshitsugu Naka and Basmil Yenerdag and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {DNS of Ignition of Ultra-Lean and High EGR Rate Methane-Air Mixture in Turbulence}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750482, author = {前田 つぐみ and 吉田 真悟 and 中 吉嗣 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {密閉容器内乱流燃焼のOH-CH2O PLIF同時計測}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750483, author = {山田 理恵 and 平岡 克大 and 中吉嗣 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護}, title = {定容容器内の水素・空気乱流予混合火炎のフラクタル特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709618, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Kozo Aoki and Mamoru Tanahashi and Nedunchezhian Swaminathan}, title = {A DNS study on the scalar mixing mechanism in turbulent premixed swirling flames for Reynolds-averaged reaction rate modeling}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709619, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {Morphological features of reaction zones in MILD combustion}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750468, author = {Shingo Yoshida and Yoshitsugu Naka and Yuki Minamoto and Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Propagation Characteristics of Turbulent Methane-Air Premixed Flames at Elevated Pressure in a Constant Volume Vessel}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100750470, author = {Kozo Aoki and Masayasu Shimura and Yuki Minamoto and Yoshitsugu Naka and Mamoru Tanahashi}, title = {Combustion Instability Analysis Based on Exact Disturbance Energy Budget in Turbulent Swirling Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100791378, author = {源勇気 and 青木 虹造 and 店橋護 and Swaminathan Nedunchezhian}, title = {244 スワール予混合火炎における乱流混合の影響}, booktitle = {計算力学講演会講演論文集}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709617, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Hemanth Kolla and Ray W. Grout and Andrea Gruber and Jacqueline Chen}, title = {Effect of differential diffusion on flame stabilization in a syngas jet in turbulent cross-flow}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709613, author = {Yuki Minamoto and Jacqueline Chen}, title = {Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent lifted DME jet flame in a heated coflow at elevated pressure}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709609, author = {Y. Minamoto}, title = {Scalar gradient behaviour in MILD combustion}, booktitle = {Proc. of 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100709608, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Swaminathan}, title = {DNS of Turbulent MILD combustion}, booktitle = {Proc. of JSME-CMD International Computational Symposium}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100642722, author = {T. Kadowaki and Y. Minamoto and N. Fukushima and M. Shimura and N. Swaminathan and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Effects of Flow Geometry and Damköhler Number on Turbulent Premixed Flame}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100642488, author = {Y. Minamoto and N. Fukushima and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi and N. Swaminathan and D. Dunstan}, title = {Effect of Flow-Geometry and Damköhler Number on Turbulence-Flame Interaction}, booktitle = {Proc. the Fifth European Combustion Meeting}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100619494, author = {Y. Minamoto and Y. Nada and M. Shimura and N. Fukushima and Y.-S. Shim and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Flow-Geometry and Reynolds-Number Effects on Flame-Turbulence Interactions}, booktitle = {Proc. 8th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100618826, author = {福島直哉 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and Nedunchezhian Swaminathan and 店橋護 and 宮内敏雄}, title = {水素・空気V 型乱流予混合火炎の統計的特性}, booktitle = {第24回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100618825, author = {福島直哉 and 源勇気 and 志村祐康 and Nedunchezhian Swaminathan and 店橋護 and 宮内敏雄}, title = {歪み速度に及ぼす流れ場の幾何学的特性とダムケラー数の影響}, booktitle = {第48回燃焼シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100598753, author = {Y. Minamoto and Y. Nada and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Principal Strain Rates at Flame Front of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {The 2nd International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research Center for Energy Science}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100599304, author = {源勇気 and 名田譲 and 店橋護 and 宮内敏雄}, title = {水素・空気乱流予混合火炎における火炎近傍の歪み速度特性}, booktitle = {熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100599289, author = {源勇気 and 名田譲 and 店橋護 and 宮内敏雄}, title = {V型水素・空気乱流予混合火炎におけるひずみ速度特性}, booktitle = {流体力学会年会2009}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100598750, author = {Y. Minamoto and Y. Nada and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Principal Strain Rates at Flame Front of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Premixed Flames}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100582941, author = {Y. Minamoto and S. Taka and M. Shimura and M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Simultaneous CH DPPLIF/OH PLIF and Stereoscopic PIV for Local Burning Velocity Measurements in Turbulent Premixed Flame}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100582934, author = {M. Tanahashi and S. Taka and T. Hirayama and Y. Minamoto and T. Miyauchi}, title = {Local Burning Velocity Measurements in Turbulent Jet Premixed Flame by Simultaneous CH DPPLIF/OH PLIF and Stereoscopic PIV}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100582949, author = {源勇気 and 高翔平 and 志村祐康 and 店橋護 and 宮内敏雄}, title = {乱流予混合火炎における局所燃焼速度の直接計測}, booktitle = {第45回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @misc{CTT100898541, author = {源勇気 and 店橋護}, title = {乱流燃焼シミュレーションと機械学習活用}, year = 2022, } @misc{CTT100869246, author = {南 啓伸 and 源 勇気 and 志村 祐康 and 店橋 護}, title = {高精度SGS燃焼モデルのための局所コルモゴロフ・スケールAI予測}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100696890, author = {Yuki Minamoto}, title = {Physical aspects and modelling of turbulent MILD combustion}, year = 2014, } @phdthesis{CTT100696890, author = {Yuki Minamoto}, title = {Physical aspects and modelling of turbulent MILD combustion}, school = {ケンブリッジ大学}, year = 2014, }