@book{CTT100788782, author = {佐藤文衛 and 綱川秀夫}, title = {宇宙地球科学}, publisher = {}, year = 2018, } @book{CTT100717653, author = {青木和光 and 阿部 豊 and 生駒大洋 and 石川遼子 and 石渡正樹 and 井田 茂 and 伊藤祐一 and 上野雄一郎 and 臼井寛裕 and 大西紀和 and 大宮正士 and 奥住 聡 and 門屋辰太郎 and 木村 淳 and 葛原昌幸 and 國友正信 and 黒崎健二 and 玄田英典 and 洪鵬 and 小久保英一郎 and 小谷隆行 and 小玉貴則 and 小林 浩 and 小宮 剛 and 佐々木貴教 and 佐藤文衛 and 渋谷岳造 and 須田拓馬 and 住 貴宏 and 関根康人 and 千秋博紀 and 空華智子 and 髙田将郎 and 高橋 太 and 髙橋康人 and 竹内 拓 and 竹田洋一 and 田近英一 and 橘 省吾 and 舘野繁彦 and 田中秀和 and 田村元秀 and 長澤真樹子 and 中本泰史 and 成田憲保 and はしもとじょーじ and 橋本 淳 and 羽馬哲也 and 濱野景子 and 原川紘季 and 原田真理子 and 樋口有理可 and 平林 久 and 深川美里 and 福井暁彦 and 藤井友香 and 藤原英明 and 堀 安範 and 前田太郎 and 増田賢人 and 町田正博 and 松尾太郎 and 眞山 聡 and 武藤恭之 and 村上 豪 and 百瀬宗武 and 森島龍司 and 安井千香子 東京大学 矢野太平 and 薮田ひかる and 山岸明彦 and 山口正輝 and 吉田 敬}, title = {系外惑星の事典}, publisher = {朝倉書店}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100858995, author = {Hjorth Maria and Albrecht Simon and Hirano Teruyuki and Winn Joshua N. and Dawson Rebekah I. and Zanazzi J. J. and Knudstrup Emil and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {A backward-spinning star with two coplanar planets}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100858994, author = {Koizumi Yohei and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Omiya Masashi and Hirano Teruyuki and Wisniewski John and Aoki Wako and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Characterization of M dwarfs using optical mid-resolution spectra for exploration of small exoplanets}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100858993, author = {Katoh Noriyuki and Itoh Yoichi and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Searching for periodic variations in radial velocities after the removal of orbital motions of spectroscopic binaries}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100858989, author = {Takarada Takuya and Sato Bun'ei and Omiya Masashi and Hori Yasunori and Fujii Michiko S.}, title = {Radial-velocity search and statistical studies for short-period planets in the Pleiades open cluster}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100858988, author = {Hirano Teruyuki and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Kotani Takayuki and Omiya Masashi and Kudo Tomoyuki and Harakawa Hiroki and Vievard Sébastien and Kurokawa Takashi and Nishikawa Jun and Tamura Motohide and Hodapp Klaus and Ishizuka Masato and Jacobson Shane and Konishi Mihoko and Serizawa Takuma and Ueda Akitoshi and Gaidos Eric and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Precision radial velocity measurements by the forward-modeling technique in the near-infrared}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100838939, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Photospheric nitrogen abundances and carbon 12C/13C ratios of red giant stars}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788776, author = {Livingston John H. and Crossfield Ian J. M. and Werner Michael W. and Gorjian Varoujan and Petigura Erik A. and Ciardi David R. and Dressing Courtney D. and Fulton Benjamin J. and Hirano Teruyuki and Schlieder Joshua E. and Sinukoff Evan and Kosiarek Molly and Akeson Rachel and Beichman Charles A. and Benneke Björn and Christiansen Jessie L. and Hansen Bradley M. S. and Howard Andrew W. and Isaacson Howard and Knutson Heather A. and Krick Jessica and Martinez Arturo O. and Sato Bun'ei and Tamura Motohide}, title = {Spitzer Transit Follow-up of Planet Candidates from the K2 Mission}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788775, author = {Goncalves Ivan and Schmider François-Xavier and Gaulme Patrick and Morales-Jubieras Raul and Guillot Tristan and Rivet Jean-Pierre and Appourchaux Thierry and Boumier Patrick and Jackiewicz Jason and Sato Bun'ei and Ida Shigeru and Ikoma Masahiro and Mékarnia Djamel and Underwood Thomas and Voelz David}, title = {First measurements of the Jovian zonal winds profile through visible Doppler spectroscopy}, journal = {Icarus}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788773, author = {Vanderspek Roland and Huang Chelsea X. and Vanderburg Andrew and Ricker George R. and Latham David W. and Seager Sara and Winn Joshua N. and Jenkins Jon M. and Burt Jennifer and Dittmann Jason and Newton Elisabeth and Quinn Samuel N. and Shporer Avi and Charbonneau David and Irwin Jonathan and Ment Kristo and Winters Jennifer G. and Collins Karen A. and Evans Phil and Gan Tianjun and Hart Rhodes and Jensen Eric L. N. and Kielkopf John and Mao Shude and Waalkes William and Bouchy François and Marmier Maxime and Nielsen Louise D. and Ottoni Gaël and Pepe Francesco and Ségransan Damien and Udry Stéphane and Henry Todd and Paredes Leonardo A. and James Hodari-Sadiki and Hinojosa Rodrigo H. and Silverstein Michele L. and Palle Enric and Berta-Thompson Zachory and Crossfield Ian and Davies Misty D. and Dragomir Diana and Fausnaugh Michael and Glidden Ana and Pepper Joshua and Morgan Edward H. and Rose Mark and Twicken Joseph D. and Villaseñor Jesus Noel S. and Yu Liang and Bakos Gaspar and Bean Jacob and Buchhave Lars A. and Christensen-Dalsgaard Jørgen and Christiansen Jessie L. and Ciardi David R. and Clampin Mark and De Lee Nathan and Deming Drake and Doty John and Jernigan J. Garrett and Kaltenegger Lisa and Lissauer Jack J. and McCullough P. R. and Narita Norio and Paegert Martin and Pal Andras and Rinehart Stephen and Sasselov Dimitar and Sato Bun'ei and Sozzetti Alessandro and Stassun Keivan G. and Torres Guillermo}, title = {TESS Discovery of an Ultra-short-period Planet around the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 3844}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Letters}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100788772, author = {Huang Chelsea X. and Burt Jennifer and Vanderburg Andrew and Günther Maximilian N. and Shporer Avi and Dittmann Jason A. and Winn Joshua N. and Wittenmyer Rob and Sha Lizhou and Kane Stephen R. and Ricker George R. and Vanderspek Roland K. and Latham David W. and Seager Sara and Jenkins Jon M. and Caldwell Douglas A. and Collins Karen A. and Guerrero Natalia and Smith Jeffrey C. and Quinn Samuel N. and Udry Stéphane and Pepe Francesco and Bouchy François and Ségransan Damien and Lovis Christophe and Ehrenreich David and Marmier Maxime and Mayor Michel and Wohler Bill and Haworth Kari and Morgan Edward H. and Fausnaugh Michael and Ciardi David R. and Christiansen Jessie and Charbonneau David and Dragomir Diana and Deming Drake and Glidden Ana and Levine Alan M. and McCullough P. R. and Yu Liang and Narita Norio and Nguyen Tam and Morton Tim and Pepper Joshua and Pál András and Rodriguez Joseph E. and Stassun Keivan G. and Torres Guillermo and Sozzetti Alessandro and Doty John P. and Christensen-Dalsgaard Jørgen and Laughlin Gregory and Clampin Mark and Bean Jacob L. and Buchhave Lars A. and Bakos G. Á. and Sato Bun'ei and Ida Shigeru and Kaltenegger Lisa and Palle Enric and Sasselov Dimitar and Butler R. P. and Lissauer Jack and Ge Jian and Rinehart S. A.}, title = {TESS Discovery of a Transiting Super-Earth in the pi Mensae System}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Letters}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788770, author = {Kawauchi Kiyoe and Narita Norio and Sato Bun'ei and Hirano Teruyuki and Kawashima Yui and Nakamoto Taishi and Yamashita Takuya and Tamura Motohide}, title = {Earth's atmosphere's lowest layers probed during a lunar eclipse}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788769, author = {Katoh Noriyuki and Itoh Yoichi and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Search for companions in visual binary systems using precise radial-velocity measurements}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788768, author = {Takarada Takuya and Sato Bun'ei and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Makiko Nagasawa and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kambe Eiji and Takeda Yoichi and Yoshida Michitoshi and Itoh Yoichi and Ando Hiroyasu and Kokubo Eiichiro and Ida Shigeru}, title = {Planets around the evolved stars 24 Boötis and γ Libra: A 30 d-period planet and a double giant-planet system in possible 7:3 MMR}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788765, author = {Hirano Teruyuki and Dai Fei and Gandolfi Davide and Fukui Akihiko and Livingston John H. and Miyakawa Kohei and Endl Michael and Cochran William D. and Alonso-Floriano Francisco J. and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Montes David and Ryu Tsuguru and Albrecht Simon and Barragan Oscar and Cabrera Juan and Csizmadia Szilard and Deeg Hans and Eigmüller Philipp and Erikson Anders and Fridlund Malcolm and Grziwa Sascha and Guenther Eike W. and Hatzes Artie P. and Korth Judith and Kudo Tomoyuki and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Narita Norio and Nespral David and Nowak Grzegorz and Pätzold Martin and Palle Enric and Persson Carina M. and Prieto-Arranz Jorge and Rauer Heike and Ribas Ignasi and Sato Bun'ei and Smith Alexis M. S. and Tamura Motohide and Tanaka Yusuke and Van Eylen Vincent and Winn Joshua N.}, title = {Exoplanets around Low-mass Stars Unveiled by K2}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788766, author = {Masuda Kento and Hirano Teruyuki and Kawahara Hajime and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Radial Velocity Follow-up of the Disintegrating Planet KIC 12557548b}, journal = {Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788764, author = {Jeong G. and Lee B.-C. and Han I. and Omiya M. and Izumiura H. and Sato B. and Harakawa H. and Kambe E. and Mkrtichian D.}, title = {Detection of planet candidates around K giants. HD 40956, HD 111591, and HD 113996}, journal = {Astronomy & Astrophysics}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100788763, author = {Guenther E. W. and Barragán O. and Dai F. and Gandolfi D. and Hirano T. and Fridlund M. and Fossati L. and Chau A. and Helled R. and Korth J. and Prieto-Arranz J. and Nespral D. and Antoniciello G. and Deeg H. and Hjorth M. and Grziwa S. and Albrecht S. and Hatzes A. P. and Rauer H. and Csizmadia Sz. and Smith A. M. S. and Cabrera J. and Narita N. and Arriagada P. and Burt J. and Butler R. P. and Cochran W. D. and Crane J. D. and Eigmüller Ph. and Erikson A. and Johnson J. A. and Kiilerich A. and Kubyshkina D. and Palle E. and Persson C. M. and Pätzold M. and Sabotta S. and Sato B. and Shectman St. A. and Teske J. K. and Thompson I. B. and Van Eylen V. and Nowak G. and Vanderburg A. and Winn J. N. and Wittenmyer R. A.}, title = {K2-106, a system containing a metal-rich planet and a planet of lower density}, journal = {Astronomy & Astrophysics}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100788762, author = {Yılmaz M. and Sato B. and Bikmaev I. and Selam S. O. and Izumiura H. and Keskin V. and Kambe E. and Melnikov S. S. and Galeev A. and Özavcı İ. and Irtuganov E. N. and Zhuchkov R. Ya.}, title = {A Jupiter-mass planet around the K0 giant HD 208897}, journal = {Astronomy & Astrophysics}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100788761, author = {Narita Norio and Hirano Teruyuki and Fukui Akihiko and Hori Yasunori and Dai Fei and Yu Liang and Livingston John and Ryu Tsuguru and Nowak Grzegorz and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Sato Bun'ei and Takeda Yoichi and Albrecht Simon and Kudo Tomoyuki and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Palle Enric and Ribas Ignasi and Tamura Motohide and Van Eylen Vincent and Winn Joshua N.}, title = {The K2-ESPRINT project. VI. K2-105 b, a hot Neptune around a metal-rich G-dwarf}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100724340, author = {Rabus M. and Jordán A. and Hartman J. D. and Bakos G. Á. and Espinoza N. and Brahm R. and Penev K. and Ciceri S. and Zhou G. and Bayliss D. and Mancini L. and Bhatti W. and de Val-Borro M. and Csbury Z. and Sato B. and Tan T.-G. and Henning T. and Schmidt B. and Bento J. and Suc V. and Noyes R. and Lázár J. and Papp I. and Sári P.}, title = {HATS-11b AND HATS-12b: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7}, journal = {The Astronomical journal}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724341, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Sato Bun'ei}, title = {Sulfur and zinc abundances of red giant stars}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724339, author = {Ryu Tsuguru and Sato Bun'ei and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Narita Norio and Takahashi Yasuhiro H. and Uyama Taichi and Kudo Tomoyuki and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Hashimoto Jun and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Abe Lyu and Ando Hiroyasu and Brandner Wolfgang and Brandt Timothy D. and Carson Joseph C. and Currie Thayne and Egner Sebastian and Feldt Markus and Goto Miwa and Grady Carol A. and Guyon Olivier and Hayano Yutaka and Hayashi Masahiko and Hayashi Saeko S. and Hełminiak Krzysztof G. and Henning Thomas and Hodapp Klaus W. and Ida Shigeru and Ishii Miki and Itoh Yoichi and Iye Masanori and Izumiura Hideyuki and Janson Markus and Kambe Eiji and Kandori Ryo and Knapp Gillian R. and Kokubo Eiichiro and Kwon Jungmi and Matsuo Taro and Mayama Satoshi and McElwain Michael W. and Mede Kyle and Miyama Shoken and Morino Jun-Ichi and Moro-Martin Amaya and Nishimura Tetsuo and Pyo Tae-Soo and Serabyn Eugene and Suenaga Takuya and Suto Hiroshi and Suzuki Ryuji and Takami Michihiro and Takato Naruhisa and Takeda Yoichi and Terada Hiroshi and Thalmann Christian and Turner Edwin L. and Watanabe Makoto and Wisniewski John and Yamada Toru and Yoshida Michitoshi and Takami Hideki and Usuda Tomonori and Tamura Motohide}, title = {High-contrast Imaging of Intermediate-mass Giants with Long-term Radial Velocity Trends}, journal = {The Astrophysical journal}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724338, author = {Hirano Teruyuki and Nowak Grzegorz and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Palle Enric and Dai Fei and Yu Liang and Van Eylen Vincent and Takeda Yoichi and Brandt Timothy D. and Narita Norio and Velasco Sergio and Prieto Arranz Jorge and Sanchis-Ojeda Roberto and Winn Joshua N. and Kudo Tomoyuki and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Fukui Akihiko and Sato Bun'ei and Albrecht Simon and Ribas Ignasi and Ryu Tsuguru and Tamura Motohide}, title = {The K2-ESPRINT Project IV. A Hot Jupiter in a Prograde Orbit with a Possible Stellar Companion}, journal = {The Astrophysical journal}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724337, author = {Takeda Y. and Tajitsu A. and Sato B. and Liu Y.-J. and Chen Y.-Q. and Zhao G.}, title = {Fundamental stellar parameters and age-metallicity relation of Kepler red giants in comparison with theoretical evolutionary tracks}, journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724336, author = {Sato Bun'ei and Wang Liang and Liu Yu-Juan and Zhao Gang and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Nagasawa Makiko and Wittenmyer Robert A. and Butler Paul and Song Nan and He Wei and Zhao Fei and Kambe Eiji and Noguchi Kunio and Ando Hiroyasu and Izumiura Hideyuki and Okada Norio and Yoshida Michitoshi and Takeda Yoichi and Itoh Yoichi and Kokubo Eiichiro and Ida Shigeru}, title = {A Pair of Giant Planets around the Evolved Intermediate-mass Star HD 47366: Multiple Circular Orbits or a Mutually Retrograde Configuration}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724333, author = {Maeda K. and Tajitsu A. and Kawabata K. S. and Foley R. J. and Honda S. and Moritani Y. and Tanaka M. and Hashimoto O. and Ishigaki M. and Simon J. D. and Phillips M. M. and Nogami D. and Arai A. and Aoki W. and Nomoto K. and Milisavljevic D. and Mazzali P. A. and Soderberg A. M. and Schramm M. and Sato B. and Harakawa H. and Morrell N. and Arimoto N. and Yamanaka M.}, title = {Sodium Absorption Systems toward SN Ia 2014J Originate on Interstellar Scales}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100724330, author = {Hartman J. D. and Bhatti W. and Bakos G. Á. and Bieryla A. and Kovács G. and Latham D. W. and Csubry Z. and de Val-Borro M. and Penev K. and Buchhave L. A. and Torres G. and Howard A. W. and Marcy G. W. and Johnson J. A. and Isaacson H. and Sato B. and Boisse I. and Falco E. and Everett M. E. and Szklenar T. and Fulton B. J. and Shporer A. and Kovács T. and Hansen T. and Béky B. and Noyes R. W. and Lázár J. and Papp I. and Sári P.}, title = {HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724325, author = {Mancini L. and Hartman J. D. and Penev K. and Bakos G. Á. and Brahm R. and Ciceri S. and Henning Th. and Csubry Z. and Bayliss D. and Zhou G. and Rabus M. and de Val-Borro M. and Espinoza N. and Jordán A. and Suc V. and Bhatti W. and Schmidt B. and Sato B. and Tan T. G. and Wright D. J. and Tinney C. G. and Addison B. C. and Noyes R. W. and Lázár J. and Papp I. and Sári P.}, title = {HATS-13b and HATS-14b: two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey}, journal = {Astronomy & Astrophysics}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724318, author = {Brahm R. and Jordán A. and Hartman J. D. and Bakos G. Á. and Bayliss D. and Penev K. and Zhou G. and Ciceri S. and Rabus M. and Espinoza N. and Mancini L. and de Val-Borro M. and Bhatti W. and Sato B. and Tan T. G. and Csubry Z. and Buchhave L. and Henning T. and Schmidt B. and Suc V. and Noyes R. W. and Papp I. and Lázár J. and Sári P.}, title = {HATS9-b and HATS10-b: Two Compact Hot Jupiters in Field 7 of the K2 Mission}, journal = {The Astronomical Journal}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724314, author = {Harakawa Hiroki and Sato Bun'ei and Omiya Masashi and Fischer Debra A. and Hori Yasunori and Ida Shigeru and Michitoshi Yoshida and Eiji Kambe and Hideyuki Izumiura and Koyano Hisashi and Shogo Nagayama and Okada Norio and Shimizu Yasuhiro and Okita Kiichi and Sakamoto Akihiro and Yamamuro Tomoyasu}, title = {Five New Exoplanets Orbiting Three Metal-rich, Massive Stars: Two-planet Systems Including Long-period Planets and an Eccentric Planet}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724301, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Sato Bun'ei and Masashi Omiya and Harakawa Hiroki}, title = {Can surface oxygen abundances of red giants be explained by the canonical mixing theory?}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724342, author = {Sato Bun'ei and Hirano Teruyuki and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Kobayashi Atsushi and Hasegawa Ryo and Takarada Takuya and Kawauchi Kiyoe and Masuda Kento}, title = {Precise Radial Velocity Measurements for Kepler Giants Hosting Planetary Candidates: Kepler-91 and KOI-1894}, journal = {The Astrophysical journal}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724343, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Ohshima Osamu and Kambe Eiji and Toda Hiroyuki and Koyano Hisashi and Sato Bun'ei and Nakamura Yasuhisa and Narita Norio and Sekii Takashi}, title = {Solar rotation inferred from radial velocities of the Sun-as-a-star during the 2012 May 21 eclipse}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724345, author = {Ricker George R. and Winn Joshua N. and Vanderspek Roland and Latham David W. and Bakos Gáspár Á. and Bean Jacob L. and Berta-Thompson Zachory K. and Brown Timothy M. and Buchhave Lars and Butler Nathaniel R. and Butler R. Paul and Chaplin William J. and Charbonneau David and Christensen-Dalsgaard Jørgen and Clampin Mark and Deming Drake and Doty John and De Lee Nathan and Dressing Courtney and Dunham Edward W. and Endl Michael and Fressin Francois and Ge Jian and Henning Thomas and Holman Matthew J. and Howard Andrew W. and Ida Shigeru and Jenkins Jon M. and Jernigan Garrett and Johnson John Asher and Kaltenegger Lisa and Kawai Nobuyuki and Kjeldsen Hans and Laughlin Gregory and Levine Alan M. and Lin Douglas and Lissauer Jack J. and MacQueen Phillip and Marcy Geoffrey and McCullough Peter R. and Morton Timothy D. and Narita Norio and Paegert Martin and Palle Enric and Pepe Francesco and Pepper Joshua and Quirrenbach Andreas and Rinehart Stephen A. and Sasselov Dimitar and Sato Bun'ei and Seager Sara and Sozzetti Alessandro and Stassun Keivan G. and Sullivan Peter and Szentgyorgyi Andrew and Torres Guillermo and Udry Stephane and Villasenor Joel}, title = {Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)}, journal = {Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724346, author = {Hirano Teruyuki and Masuda Kento and Sato Bun'ei and Benomar Othman and Takeda Yoichi and Omiya Masashi and Harakawa Hiroki and Kobayashi Atsushi}, title = {Global Analysis of KOI-977: Spectroscopy, Asteroseismology, and Phase-curve Analysis}, journal = {The Astrophysical journal}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724347, author = {Beck P. G. and Kambe E. and Hillen M. and Corsaro E. and Van Winckel H. and Moravveji E. and De Ridder J. and Bloemen S. and Saesen S. and Mathias P. and Degroote P. and Kallinger T. and Verhoelst T. and Ando H. and Carrier F. and Acke B. and Oreiro R. and Miglio A. and Eggenberger P. and Sato B. and Zwintz K. and Pápics P. I. and Marcos-Arenal P. and Sans Fuentes S. A. and Schmid V. S. and Waelkens C. and Østensen R. and Matthews J. M. and Yoshida M. and Izumiura H. and Koyano H. and Nagayama S. and Shimizu Y. and Okada N. and Okita K. and Sakamoto A. and Yamamuro T. and Aerts C.}, title = {Detection of solar-like oscillations in the bright red giant stars γ Piscium and θ1 Tauri from a 190-day high-precision spectroscopic multi-site campaign}, journal = {Astronomy & Astrophysics}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100725380, author = {G.~R. Ricker and J.~N. Winn and R Vanderspek and D.~W. Latham and G.~Á. Bakos and J.~L. Bean and Z.~K. Berta-Thompson and T.~M. Brown and L Buchhave and N.~R. Butler and R.~P. Butler and W.~J. Chaplin and D Charbonneau and J Christensen-Dalsgaard and M Clampin and D Deming and J Doty and N De Lee and C Dressing and E.~W. Dunham and M Endl and F Fressin and J Ge and T Henning and M.~J. Holman and A.~W. Howard and SHIGERU IDA and J.~M. Jenkins and G Jernigan and J.~A. Johnson and L Kaltenegger and N Kawai and H Kjeldsen and G Laughlin and A.~M. Levine and D Lin and J.~J. Lissauer and P MacQueen and G Marcy and P.~R. McCullough and T.~D. Morton and N Narita and M Paegert and E Palle and F Pepe and J Pepper and A Quirrenbach and S.~A. Rinehart and D Sasselov and Bunei Sato and S Seager and A Sozzetti and K.~G. Stassun and P Sullivan and A Szentgyorgyi and G Torres and S Udry and J Villasenor}, title = {Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)}, journal = {Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100724344, author = {Yılmaz M. and Bikmaev I. and Sato B. and Selam S. O. and Galeev A. I. and Keskin V. and Izumiura H. and Irtuganov E. N. and Kambe E. and Özavcı İ. and Melnikov S. S. and Zhuchkov R. Ya. and Okada N.}, title = {Low mass stellar companions around four giant stars}, journal = {New Astronomy}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100812199, author = {Liu, Y.J. and Tan, K.F. and Wang, L. and Zhao, G. and Bunei Sato and Takeda, Y. and Li, H.N.}, title = {The lithium abundances of a large sample of red giants}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100812139, author = {Sadakane, K. and Kambe, E. and Hashimoto, O. and Honda, S. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Disk origin narrow metallic absortion lines observed during the 2009-2011 eclipse of ε aurigae}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812168, author = {Kambe, E. and Yoshida, M. and Izumiura, H. and Koyano, H. and Nagayama, S. and Shimizu, Y. and Okada, N. and Okita, K. and Sakamoto, A. and Bunei Sato and Yamamuro, T.}, title = {Fiber link between the Okayama 188-cm telescope and the high-dispersion spectrograph, HIDES}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812548, author = {Bunei Sato and Omiya, M. and Harakawa, H. and Liu and Y.-J. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ando, H. and Kokubo, E. and Ida, S.}, title = {Planetary companions to three evolved intermediate-mass stars: HD2952, HD120084, and ω serpentis}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812127, author = {Katoh, N. and Itoh, Y. and Toyota, E. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Determination of orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries using high-dispersion spectroscopy}, journal = {Astronomical Journal}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812448, author = {Wang, L. and Bunei Sato and Omiya, M. and Harakawa, H. and Liu, Y. and Song, N. and He, W. and Wu, X. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ando, H. and Kokubo, E. and Ida, S. and Zhao, G.}, title = {A long-period eccentric substellar companion to the evolved intermediate-mass star HD 14067}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812241, author = {Bunei Sato and Omiya, M. and Wittenmyer, R.A. and Harakawa, H. and Nagasawa, M. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ando, H. and Kokubo, E. and Ida, S.}, title = {A double planetary system around the evolved intermediate-mass star HD 4732}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100812315, author = {Bunei Sato and Hartman, J.D. and Bakos and G.Á. and Béky, B. and Torres, G. and Latham, D.W. and Kovács, G. and Csubry, Z. and Penev, K. and Noyes, R.W. and Buchhave, L.A. and Quinn, S.N. and Everett, M. and Esquerdo, G.A. and Fischer, D.A. and Howard, A.W. and Johnson, J.A. and Marcy, G.W. and Sasselov, D. and Szklenár, T. and Lázár, J. and Papp, I. and Sári, P.}, title = {HAT-P-38b: A Saturn-mass planet transiting a late G star}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812418, author = {Omiya, M. and Han, I. and Izumiura, H. and Lee and B.-C. and Bunei Sato and Kim and K.-M. and Yoon, T.S. and Kambe, E. and Yoshida, M. and Masuda, S. and Toyota, E. and Urakawa, S. and Takada-Hidai, M.}, title = {A planetary companion to the intermediate-mass giant HD 100655}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812326, author = {Wang, L. and Bunei Sato and Zhao, G. and Liu and Y.-J. and Noguchi, K. and Ando, H. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Omiya, M. and Harakawa, H. and Liu, F. and Wu and X.-S. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Kokubo, E.}, title = {A possible substellar companion to the intermediate-mass giant HD 175679}, journal = {Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812258, author = {Hirano, T. and Narita, N. and Bunei Sato and Takahashi, Y.H. and Masuda, K. and Takeda, Y. and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M. and Suto, Y.}, title = {Planet-planet eclipse and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of a multiple transiting system: Joint analysis of the Subaru spectroscopy and the Kepler photometry}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal Letters}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812246, author = {Bunei Sato and Omiya, M. and Harakawa, H. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ando, H. and Kokubo, E. and Ida, S.}, title = {Substellar companions to seven evolved intermediate-mass stars}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812188, author = {Narita, N. and Takahashi, Y.H. and Kuzuhara, M. and Hirano, T. and Suenaga, T. and Kandori, R. and Kudo, T. and Bunei Sato and Suzuki, R. and Ida, S. and Nagasawa, M. and Abe, L. and Brandner, W. and Brandt, T.D. and Carson, J. and Egner, S.E. and Feldt, M. and Goto, M. and Grady, C.A. and Guyon, O. and Hashimoto, J. and Hayano, Y. and Hayashi, M. and Hayashi, S.S. and Henning, T. and Hodapp, K.W. and Ishii, M. and Iye, M. and Janson, M. and Knapp, G.R. and Kusakabe, N. and Kwon, J. and Matsuo, T. and Mayama, S. and Mcelwain, M.W. and Miyama, S.M. and Morino and J.-I. and Moro-Martin, A. and Nishimura, T. and Pyo and T.-S. and Serabyn, E. and Suto, H. and Takami, M. and Takato, N. and Terada, H. and Thalmann, C. and Tomono, D. and Turner, E.L. and Watanabe, M. and Wisniewski, J.P. and Yamada, T. and Takami, H. and Usuda, T. and Tamura, M.}, title = {A common proper motion stellar companion to HAT-P-7}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100812224, author = {Wang, L. and Liu, Y. and Zhao, G. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Stellar parameters and chemical abundances of G giants}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812252, author = {Hirano, T. and Narita, N. and Shporer, A. and Bunei Sato and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M.}, title = {A possible tilted orbit of the super-Neptune HAT-P-11b}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812329, author = {Hirano, T. and Suto, Y. and Winn, J.N. and Taruya, A. and Narita, N. and Albrecht, S. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Improved modeling of the Rossiter-McLAUGHLIN effect for transiting exoplanets}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812485, author = {Albrecht, S. and Winn, J.N. and Johnson, J.A. and Paul Butler, R. and Crane, J.D. and Shectman, S.A. and Thompson, I.B. and Narita, N. and Bunei Sato and Hirano, T. and Enya, K. and Fischer, D.}, title = {Two upper limits on the Rossiter-MCLAUGHLIN effect, with differing implications: WASP-1 has a high obliquity and WASP-2 is indeterminate}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812492, author = {Narita, N. and Hirano, T. and Bunei Sato and Harakawa, H. and Fukui, A. and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M.}, title = {XO-2b: A Prograde Planet with Negligible Eccentricity and an Additional Radial Velocity Variation}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812524, author = {Hirano, T. and Narita, N. and Bunei Sato and Winn, J.N. and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M. and Taruya, A. and Suto, Y.}, title = {Further observations of the tilted planet XO-3: A new determination of spin-orbit misalignment, and limits on differential rotation}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100812569, author = {Liu, Y. and Bunei Sato and Takeda, Y. and Ando, H. and Zhao, G.}, title = {Stellar parameters and abundance analysis of 58 late G giants}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812247, author = {Narita, N. and Bunei Sato and Hirano, T. and Winn, J.N. and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M.}, title = {Spin-orbit alignment of the TrES-4 transiting planetary system and possible additional radial-velocity variation}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812186, author = {Ando, H. and Tsuboi, Y. and Kambe, E. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Oscillations in G-type giants}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812226, author = {Narita, N. and Kudo, T. and Bergfors, C. and Nagasawa, M. and Thalmann, C. and Bunei Sato and Suzuki, R. and Kandori, R. and Janson, M. and Goto, M. and Brandner, W. and Ida, S. and Abe, L. and Carson, J. and Egner, S.E. and Feldt, M. and Golota, T. and Guyon, O. and Hashimoto, J. and Hayano, Y. and Hayashi, M. and Hayashi, S.S. and Henning, T. and Hodapp, K.W. and Ishh, M. and Knapp, G.R. and Kusakabe, N. and Kuzuhara, M. and Matsuo, T. and McElwain, M.W. and Mlyama, S.M. and Morino and J.-I. and Moro-Martin, A. and Nlshlmura, T. and Pyo and T.-S. and Serabyn, E. and Suenaga, T. and Suto, H. and Takahashi, Y.H. and Takami, M. and Takato, N. and Terada, H. and Tomono, D. and Turner, E.L. and Watanabe, M. and Yamada, T. and Takami, H. and Usuda, T. and Tamura, M.}, title = {Search for outer massive bodies around transiting planetary systems: Candidates of faint stellar companions around HAT-P-7}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812391, author = {Narita, N. and Hirano, T. and Sanchis-Ojeda, R. and Winn, J.N. and Holman, M.J. and Bunei Sato and Aoki, W. and Tamura, M.}, title = {The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of the transiting exoplanet XO-4b}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812176, author = {Bedding, T.R. and Kjeldsen, H. and Campante, T.L. and Appourchaux, T. and Bonanno, A. and Chaplin, W.J. and Garcia, R.A. and Martić, M. and Mosser, B. and Butler, R.P. and Bruntt, H. and Kiss, L.L. and O'Toole, S.J. and Kambe, E. and Ando, H. and Izumiura, H. and Bunei Sato and Hartmann, M. and Hatzes, A. and Bar}, title = {A multi-site campaign to measure solar-like oscillations in Procyon. II. mode frequencies}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812330, author = {Hirano, T. and Suto, Y. and Taruya, A. and Narita, N. and Bunei Sato and Johnson, J.A. and Winn, J.N.}, title = {Analytic description of the rossiter-mclaughlin effect for transiting exoplanets: Cross-correlation method and comparison with simulated data}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812496, author = {Sadakane, K. and Kambe, E. and Bunei Sato and Honda, S. and Hashimoto, O.}, title = {An abundance analysis of the primary star of the peculiar eclipsing binary ε aurigae out of the eclipsing phase}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812339, author = {Bunei Sato and Omiya, M. and Liu, Y. and Harakawa, H. and Izumlura, H. and Kambe, E. and Toyota, E. and Murata, D. and Lee and B.-C. and Masuda, S. and Takeda, Y. and Yoshida, M. and Itoh, Y. and Ando, H. and Kokubo, E. and Ida, S. and Zhao, G. and Han, I.}, title = {Substellar companions to evolved intermediate-mass stars: HD 145457 and HD 180314}, journal = {Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100812263, author = {Harakawa, H. and Bunei Sato and Fischer, D.A. and Ida, S. and Omiya, M. and Johnson, J.A. and Marcy, G. and Toyota, E. and Hori, Y. and Howard, A.W.}, title = {Detection of a low-eccentricity and super-massive planet to the subgiant HD 38801}, journal = {Astrophysical Journal}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100550466, author = {Bunei Sato and H. Izumiura and E. Toyota and E. Kambe and Y. Takeda and S. Masuda and M. Omiya and D. Murata and Y. Itoh and H. Ando and M. Yoshida and Masahiro Ikoma and E. Kokubo and SHIGERU IDA}, title = {A Planetary Companion to the Hyades Giant epsilon Tauri}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100533296, author = {Bakos and G. Á. and Noyes, R. W. and Kovács, G. and Latham, D. W. and Sasselov, D. D. and Torres, G. and Fischer, D. A. and Stefanik, R. P. and Sato, B. and Johnson, J. A. and Pál, A. and Marcy, G. W. and Butler, R. P. and Esquerdo, G. A. and Stanek, K. Z. and Lázár, J. and Papp}, title = {HAT-P-1b: A Large-Radius, Low-Density Exoplanet Transiting One Member of a Stellar Binary}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, year = 2007, } @article{CTT100546824, author = {Fischer and Debra A.; Laughlin and Gregory; Marcy and Geoffrey W.; Butler and R. Paul; Vogt and Steven S.; Johnson and John A.; Henry and Gregory W.; McCarthy and Chris; Ammons and Mark; Robinson and Sarah; Strader and Jay; Valenti and Jeff A.; McCullough and P. R.; Charbonneau and David; Haislip and Joshua; Knutson and Heather A.; Reichart and Daniel E.; McGee and Padric; Monard and Berto; Wright and Jason T.; Ida and Shigeru; Sato and Bun'ei; Minniti and Dante}, title = {The N2K Consortium. III. Short-Period Planets Orbiting HD 149143 and HD 109749}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, year = 2006, } @article{CTT100533298, author = {Sato and Bun'ei; Fischer and Debra A.; Henry and Gregory W.; Laughlin and Greg; Butler and R. Paul; Marcy and Geoffrey W.; Vogt and Steven S.; Bodenheimer and Peter; Ida and Shigeru; Toyota and Eri; Wolf and Aaron; Valenti and Jeff A.; Boyd and Louis J.; Johnson and John A.; Wright and Jason T.; Amm}, title = {The N2K Consortium. II. A Transiting Hot Saturn around HD 149026 with a Large Dense Core}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533299, author = {Narita and Norio; Suto and Yasushi; Winn and Joshua N.; Turner and Edwin L.; Aoki and Wako; Leigh and Christopher J.; Sato and Bun'ei; Tamura and Motohide; Yamada and Toru}, title = {Subaru HDS Transmission Spectroscopy of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533300, author = {Takeda and Yoichi; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Masuda and Seiji; Ando and Hiroyasu}, title = {Stellar Parameters and Photospheric Abundances of Late-G Giants: Properties of the Targets of the Okayama Planet Search Program}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533302, author = {Takeda and Yoichi; Ohkubo and Michiko; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Sadakane and Kozo}, title = {Spectroscopic Study on the Atmospheric Parameters of Nearby F--K Dwarfs and Subgiants}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100546825, author = {Fischer and Debra A.; Laughlin and Greg; Butler and Paul; Marcy and Geoff; Johnson and John; Henry and Greg; Valenti and Jeff; Vogt and Steve; Ammons and Mark; Robinson and Sarah; Spear and Greg; Strader and Jay; Driscoll and Peter; Fuller and Abby; Johnson and Teresa; Manrao and Elizabeth; McCarthy and Chris; Muñoz and Melesio; Tah and K. L.; Wright and Jason; Ida and Shigeru; Sato and Bun'ei; Toyota and Eri; Minniti and Dante}, title = {The N2K Consortium. I. A Hot Saturn Planet Orbiting HD 88133}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533301, author = {Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Takeda and Yoichi; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Masuda and Seiji; Ando and Hiroyasu}, title = {Radial-Velocity Variability of G-Type Giants: First Three Years of the Okayama Planet Search Program}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533303, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Sato Bun'ei and Kambe Eiji and Masuda Seiji and Izumiura Hideyuki and Watanabe Etsuji and Ohkubo Michiko and Yanagisawa Kenshi and Yasaka Yoshiro and Honda Satoshi and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Aoki Wako and Ando Hiroyasu and Sadakane Kozo and Takada-Hidai Masahide}, title = {High-Dispersion Spectra Collection of Nearby F--K Stars at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory: A Basis for Spectroscopic Abundance Standards}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100533305, author = {Winn and Joshua N.; Suto and Yasushi; Turner and Edwin L.; Narita and Norio; Frye and Brenda L.; Aoki and Wako; Sato and Bun'ei; Yamada and Toru}, title = {A Search for Hα Absorption in the Exosphere of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet HD 209458b}, journal = {Publ. Soc. Astron. Japan}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100533306, author = {Honda Satoshi and Aoki Wako and Ando Hiroyasu and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kajino Toshitaka and Kambe Eiji and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Noguchi Kunio and Okita Kiichi and Sadakane Kozo and Sato Bun'ei and Takada-Hidai Masahide and Takeda Yoichi and Watanabe Etsuji and Beers Timothy C.}, title = {Spectroscopic Studies of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars with the Subaru High Dispersion Spectrograph. I. Observational Data}, journal = {Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100533307, author = {Sato and Bun'ei; Ando and Hiroyasu; Kambe and Eiji; Takeda and Yoichi; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Masuda and Seiji; Watanabe and Etsuji; Noguchi and Kunio; Wada and Setsuko; Okada and Norio; Koyano and Hisashi; Maehara and Hideo; Norimoto and Yuji; Okada and Takafumi; Shimizu and Yasuhiro; Uraguchi and Fum}, title = {A Planetary Companion to the G-Type Giant Star HD 104985}, journal = {Astrophys. J. Lett.}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100533309, author = {Sadakane and Kozo; Ohkubo and Michiko; Takeda and Yoichi; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Aoki and Wako}, title = {Abundance Analyses of 12 Parent Stars of Extrasolar Planets Observed with the SUBARU/HDS}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533308, author = {Takeda and Yoichi; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Sadakane and Kozo; Ohkubo and Michiko}, title = {Spectroscopic Determination of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters: Application to Mid-F through Early-K Dwarfs and Subgiants}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533310, author = {Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Takeda and Yoichi; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Ando and Hiroyasu}, title = {Development of Iodine Cells for the Subaru HDS and the Okayama HIDES: II. New Software for Precise Radial Velocity Measurements}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533311, author = {Kambe Eiji and Sato Bun'ei and Takeda Yoichi and Ando Hiroyasu and Noguchi Kunio and Aoki Wako and Izumiura Hideyuki and Wada Setsuko and Masuda Seiji and Okada Norio and Shimizu Yasuhiro and Watanabe Etsuji and Yoshida Michitoshi and Honda Satoshi and Kawanomoto Satoshi}, title = {Development of Iodine Cells for the Subaru HDS and the Okayama HIDES: I. Instrumentation and Performance of the Spectrographs}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533312, author = {Noguchi Kunio and Aoki Wako and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Ando Hiroyasu and Honda Satoshi and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kambe Eiji and Okita Kiichi and Sadakane Kozo and Sato Bun'ei and Tajitsu Akito and Takada-Hidai Tasahide and Tanaka Wataru and Watanabe Etsuji and Yoshida Michitoshi}, title = {High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) for the Subaru Telescope}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533313, author = {Takeda Yoichi and Parthasarathy Mudumba and Aoki Wako and Ita Yoshifusa and Nakada Yoshikazu and Izumiura Hideyuki and Noguchi Kunio and Takada-Hidai Masahide and Sato Bun'ei and Tajitsu Akito and Honda Satoshi and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Ando Hiroyasu and Karoji Hiroshi}, title = {Detection of Zinc in the Very Metal-Poor Post-AGB Star HR 4049}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533314, author = {Aoki and Wako; Ando and Hiroyasu; Honda and Satoshi; Iye and Masanori; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Kajino and Toshitaka; Kambe and Eiji; Kawanomonoto and Satoshi; Noguchi and Kunio; Okita and Kiichi; Sadakane and Kozo; Sato and Bun'ei; Shelton and Ian; Takada-Hidai and Masahide; Takeda and Yoichi; Watana}, title = {Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533315, author = {Takeda and Yoichi; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Watanabe and Etsuji; Miyazaki and Hideaki; Wada and Setsuko; Ando and Hiroyasu; Masuda and Seiji; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Koyano and Hisashi; Maehara and Hideo; Norimoto and Yuji; Okuda and Takafumi; Shimizu and Yasuhiro; Uraguchi and Fumihiro; Yana}, title = {Iodine-Cell Spectroscopy at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory: First Results}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100533316, author = {Sadakane Kozo and Takada-Hidai Masahide and Takeda Yoichi and Ando Hiroyasu and Aoki Wako and Honda Satoshi and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kajino Toshitaka and Kambe Eiji and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Noguchi Kunio and Okita Kiichi and Sato Bun'ei and Watanabe Etsuji}, title = {An Abundance Study in the Hg-Mn Star 46 Aquilae (HD 186122) with the SUBARU/HDS}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100533317, author = {Takeda and Yoichi; Sato and Bun'ei; Kambe and Eiji; Aoki and Wako; Honda and Satoshi; Kawanomoto and Satoshi; Masuda and Seiji; Izumiura and Hideyuki; Watanabe and Etsuji; Koyano and Hisashi; Maehara and Hideo; Norimoto and Yuji; Okuda and Takafumi; Shimizu and Yasuhiro; Uraguchi and Fumihiro; Yanag}, title = {Photospheric Abundances of Volatile and Refractory Elements in Planet-Harboring Stars}, journal = {Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan}, year = 2001, } @article{CTT100533318, author = {Kawakita Hideyo and Watanabe Jun-ichi and Ando Hiroyasu and Aoki Wako and Fuse Tetsuharu and Honda Satoshi and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kajino Toshitaka and Kambe Eiji and Kawanomoto Satoshi and Noguchi Kunio and Okita Kiichi and Sadakane Kozo and Sato Bun'ei and Takada-Hidai Masahide}, title = {The Spin Temperature of NH3 in Comet C/1999S4 (LINEAR)}, journal = {Science}, year = 2001, } @inproceedings{CTT100858992, author = {Takahashi Aoi and Kotani Takayuki and Nishikawa Jun and Ueda Akitoshi and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Tamura Motohide and Nagayama Takahiro and Kurita Mikio and Sumi Takahiro and Yamamuro Tomoyasu and Sato Bun'ei and Hirano Teruyuki and Omiya Masashi}, title = {The South Africa Near-Infrared Doppler (SAND) instrument: concept and instrument design}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100858991, author = {Schmider François-Xavier and Dejonghe Julien and Guillot Tristan and Ikoma Masahiro and Boumier Patrick and Sato Bun'ei and Jackiewicz Jason and Izumiura Hideyuki and Hanayama Hidekazu and Abe Lyu and Gonçalves Ivan and Gouvret Carole and Fantéï-Caujolle Yan and Morand Frédéric and Preis Olivier and Rivet Jean-Pierre and Appourchaux Thierry and Leclec'h Jean-Christophe and Ballans Hervé and Langlet François Baudin Frédéric and Aoyama Yuhiko and Kawaushi Kiyoe and Horiuchi Takashi and Gaulme Patrick and Voelz David and Underwood Thomas}, title = {Characteristics and performances of an interferometric Doppler imager installed at the 188 cm telescope of Okayama Observatory}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100838936, author = {Schmider François-Xavier and Guillot Tristan and Gonçalves Ivan and Jackiewicz Jason and Underwood Thomas and Voelz David and Gaulme Patrick and Boumier Patrick and Appourchaux Thierry and Morales-Juberias Raùl and Ikoma Masahiro and Sato Bun'ei and Izumiura Hideyuki}, title = {Jupiter atmospheric dynamics from ground-based Doppler imaging}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100838933, author = {Kuzuhara Masayuki and Sato Bun'ei and Tamura Motohide and Kotani Takayuki and Ohashi Nagayoshi and Omiya Masashi and Hirano Teruyuki and Harakawa Hiroki and Aoki Wako and Narita Norio and Hori Yasunori and Ueda Akitoshi and Fukui Akihiko and Ishikawa Hiroyuki Tako and Ishizuka Masato and Kurokawa Takashi and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Kudo Tomoyuki and Kokubo Eiichiro and Konishi Mihoko and Nakajima Tadashi and Nishikawa Jun and Ogihara Masahiro and Serizawa Takuma}, title = {The Beginning of the Strategic Large Exploration for Exoplanets Orbiting Nearby Late-M Dwarfs with the InfraRed Doppler (IRD) Spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope}, booktitle = {Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100838929, author = {Yılmaz, M. and Selam, S. O. and Izumiura, H. and Bikmaev, I. and Sato, B. and Keskin, V. and Kambe, E.}, title = {A highly eccentric spectroscopic binary star: HD 5624}, booktitle = {Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100788771, author = {Schmider François-Xavier and Goncalves Ivan and Gaulme Patrick and Morales-Jubieras Raul and Guillot Tristan and Appourchaux Thierry and Boumier Patrick and Jackiewicz Jason and Underwood Thomas and Voelz David and Sato Bun'ei and Ida Shigeru and Ikoma Masahiro and Rivet Jean-Pierre}, title = {First measurements of the Jovian zonal winds profile through visible Doppler spectroscopy}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100788767, author = {Kotani Takayuki and Tamura Motohide and Nishikawa Jun and Ueda Akitoshi and Kuzuhara Masayuki and Omiya Masashi and Hashimoto Jun and Ishizuka Masato and Hirano Teruyuki and Suto Hiroshi and Kurokawa Takashi and Kokubo Tsukasa and Mori Takahiro and Tanaka Yosuke and Kashiwagi Ken and Konishi Mihoko and Kudo Tomoyuki and Sato Bun'ei and Jacobson Shane and Hodapp Klaus W. and Hall Donald B. and Aoki Wako and Usuda Tomonori and Nishiyama Shogo and Nakajima Tadashi and Ikeda Yuji and Yamamuro Tomoyasu and Morino Jun-Ichi and Baba Haruka and Hosokawa Ko and Ishikawa Hiroyuki and Narita Norio and Kokubo Eiichiro and Hayano Yutaka and Izumiura Hideyuki and Kambe Eiji and Kusakabe Nobuhiko and Kwon Jungmi and Ikoma Masahiro and Hori Yasunori and Genda Hidenori and Fukui Akihiko and Fujii Yuka and Kawahara Hajime and Olivier Guyon and Jovanovic Nemanja and Harakawa Hiroki and Hayashi Masahiko and Hidai Masahide and Machida Masahiro and Matsuo Taro and Nagata Tetsuya and Ogihara Masahiro and Takami Hideki and Takato Naruhisa and Terada Hiroshi and Oh Daehyeon}, title = {The infrared Doppler (IRD) instrument for the Subaru telescope: instrument description and commissioning results}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100724320, author = {Yılmaz M. and Selam S. O. and Izumiura H. and Bikmaev I. and Sato B. and Keskin V. and Kambe E.}, title = {RTT150 Planet Search Program at TUG: Results from Seven Years of Observation}, booktitle = {ASP Conference Series}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100812108, author = {Tamura, M. and Kotani, T. and Nishikawa, J. and Kurokawa, T. and Kashiwagi, K. and Suto, H. and Bunei Sato and Aoki, W. and Usuda, T. and Nishiyama, S. and Ikeda, Y. and Hall, D.B. and Hodapp, K.W. and Jacobson, S. and Morino and J.-I. and Okuyama, Y. and Tanaka, Y. and Suzuki, S. and Inoue, S. and Kwon, J. and Oh, D. and Baba, H. and Hashimoto, J. and Kudo, T. and Kusakabe, N. and Omiya, M. and Yamamuro, T.}, title = {Extra-solar planets exploration using frequency comb: Infrared Doppler instrument for the Subaru telescope (IRD)}, booktitle = {Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2015}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100812498, author = {Tamura, M. and Kotani, T. and Nishikawa, J. and Kurokawa, T. and Kashiwagi, K. and Suto, H. and Bunei Sato and Aoki, W. and Usuda, T. and Nishiyama, S. and Ikeda, Y. and Hall, D.B. and Hodapp, K.W. and Jacobson, S. and Morino and J.-I. and Okuyama, Y. and Tanaka, Y. and Suzuki, S. and Inoue, S. and Kwon, J. and Oh, D. and Baba, H. and Hashimoto, J. and Kudo, T. and Kusakabe, N. and Omiya, M. and Yamamuro, T.}, title = {Extra-solar planets exploration using frequency comb: Infrared Doppler instrument for the Subaru telescope (IRD)}, booktitle = {Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Technical Digest Series}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100812155, author = {Hirano, T. and Bunei Sato and Masuda, K. and Benomar, O.M. and Takeda, Y. and Omiya, M. and Harakawa, H.}, title = {Search for Close-in Planets around Evolved Stars with Phase-curve variations and Radial Velocity Measurements}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100812575, author = {Kotani, T. and Tamura, M. and Suto, H. and Nishikawa, J. and Bunei Sato and Aoki, W. and Usuda, T. and Kurokawa, T. and Kashiwagi, K. and Nishiyama, S. and Ikeda, Y. and Hall, D.B. and Hodapp, K.W. and Jacobson, S. and Hashimoto, J. and Morino and J.-I. and Okuyama, Y. and Tanaka, Y. and Suzuki, S. and Inoue, S. and Kwon, J. and Suenaga, T. and Oh, D. and Baba, H. and Narita, N. and Kokubo, E. and Hayano, Y. and Izumiura, H. and Kambe, E. and Kudo, T. and Kusakabe, N. and Ikoma, M. and Hori, Y. and Omiya, M. and Genda, H. and Fukui, A. and Fujii, Y. and Guyon, O. and Harakawa, H. and Hayashi, M. and Hidai, M. and Hirano, T. and Kuzuhara, M. and Machida, M. and Matsuo, T. and Nagata, T. and Onuki, H. and Ogihara, M. and Takami, H. and Takato, N. and Takahashi, Y.H. and Tachinami, C. and Terada, H. and Kawahara, H. and Yamamuro, T.}, title = {Infrared Doppler instrument (IRD) for the Subaru telescope to search for Earth-like planets around nearby M-dwarfs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100812749, author = {川内 紀代恵 and 佐藤文衛 and 成田 憲保 and 平野 照幸 and 三澤 瑠花}, title = {O3-09 月食データを用いた地球大気の透過光高分散分光観測(口頭発表セッション3(系外惑星),口頭発表)}, booktitle = {日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100813068, author = {Schmider, F. X. and Appourchaux, T. and Gaulme, P. and Guillot, T. and Bunei Sato and Murphy, N. and Daban, J. B. and Gay, J. and Soulat, L. and Baudin, F. and Boumier, P. and Ollivier, M. and Borde, P. and Jackiewicz, J. and Ida, S. and Showman, A. P.}, title = {The JOVIAL Project for Jovian Seismology}, booktitle = {FIFTY YEARS OF SEISMOLOGY OF THE SUN AND STARS}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100813088, author = {Kambe, E. and Sadakane, K. and Hashimoto, O. and Honda, S. and Bunei Sato}, title = {Line-profile Variations of the Primary of the Epsilon Aurigae Eclipsing Binary System}, booktitle = {PROGRESS IN PHYSICS OF THE SUN AND STARS: A NEW ERA IN HELIO- AND ASTEROSEISMOLOGY}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100812777, author = {大宮 正士 and 比田井 昌英 and 佐藤文衛 and 泉浦 秀行}, title = {O10-09 ドップラー法による重いG-K型巨星の惑星探索(口頭発表セッション10(惑星形成論III,系外惑星),口頭発表)}, booktitle = {日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100812402, author = {Omiya, M. and Bunei Sato and Harakawa, H. and Kuzuhara, M. and Hirano, T. and Narita, N.}, title = {Search for low-mass planets around late-M dwarfs using IRD}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100812170, author = {Bunei Sato}, title = {Radial-velocity searches for exoplanets in East Asia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100813028, author = {成田 憲保 and 平野 照幸 and 佐藤文衛 and 青木 和光 and 田村 元秀}, title = {S33-04 系外惑星の公転軌道傾斜角の系統的測定 : 軌道が傾いた惑星は意外に多い(口頭セッション33:系外惑星,口頭発表)}, booktitle = {日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100812412, author = {Omiya, M. and Han, I. and Izumiura, H. and Lee and B.-C. and Bunei Sato and Kim and K.-M. and Yoon, T.S. and Kambe, E. and Yoshida, M. and Masuda, S. and Toyota, E. and Urakawa, S. and Takada-Hidai, M.}, title = {Korean-Japanese planet search program: Substellar companions around intermediate-mass giants}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100812542, author = {Kunitomo, M. and Ikoma, M. and Bunei Sato and Katsuta, Y. and Ida, S.}, title = {Orbital evolution of planets around intermediate-mass giants}, booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100812963, author = {國友 正信 and 生駒 大洋 and 佐藤文衛 and 勝田 豊 and 井田 茂}, title = {112,P004 中質量赤色巨星による惑星飲み込み(オーラルセッション2 最優秀発表賞選考)(ポスターセッション1 最優秀発表賞)}, booktitle = {日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集}, year = 2010, } @misc{CTT100724349, author = {佐藤文衛}, title = {系外惑星「遠い世界の物語」 その4 〜巨星を巡る複数惑星系: ν OphとHD4732 〜}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100596251, author = {Bunei Sato}, title = {Search for Extrasolar Planets around Intermediate-Mass Stars by Precise Radial Velocity Measurements of Late-G Giants}, year = 2003, } @phdthesis{CTT100596251, author = {Bunei Sato}, title = {Search for Extrasolar Planets around Intermediate-Mass Stars by Precise Radial Velocity Measurements of Late-G Giants}, school = {東京大学}, year = 2003, }