@book{CTT100702771, author = {金子宏直}, title = {電子証拠をめぐる比較法-アメリカにおける電子証拠の取り扱い}, publisher = {民事法研究会}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100705256, author = {金子 宏直}, title = {判例批評 準備書面の直送のための費用と民訴費用法二条二項}, journal = {民商法雑誌}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100702772, author = {金子宏直}, title = {知的財産破産-著作権の利用関係処理を中心に-}, journal = {知的財産・コンピュータと法 野村豊弘先生古稀記念論文集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100734586, author = {金子宏直}, title = {人工知能の社会に与える影響(総括)}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100708116, author = {Hironao Kaneko}, title = {The possibility of the settlement in court: application to the conflicts relating to the Internet.}, booktitle = {Law and Society Accosiation Program}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100713251, author = {金子宏直}, title = {文献案内:本山美彦著「人工知能と21世紀の資本主義」}, year = 2016, }