@article{CTT100747034, author = {Vicky L Hunt and Isheng J Tsai and Avril Coghlan and Adam J Reid and Nancy Holroyd and Bernardo J Foth and Alan Tracey and James A Cotton and Eleanor J Stanley and Helen Beasley and Hayley M Bennett and Karen Brooks and Bhavana Harsha and Rei Kajitani and Arpita Kulkarni and Dorothee Harbecke and Eiji Nagayasu and Sarah Nichol and Yoshitoshi Ogura and Michael A Quail and Nadine Randle and Dong Xia and Norbert W Brattig and Hanns Soblik and Diogo M Ribeiro and Alejandro Sanchez-Flores and Tetsuya Hayashi and Takehiko Itoh and Dee R Denver and Warwick Grant and Jonathan D Stoltzfus and James B Lok and Haruhiko Murayama and Jonathan Wastling and Adrian Streit and Taisei Kikuchi and Mark Viney and Matthew Berriman}, title = {The genomic basis of parasitism in the Strongyloides Glade of nematodes}, journal = {Nature Genetics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100747032, author = {Miki Okuno and Rei Kajitani and Rie Ryusui and Hiroya Morimoto and Yukiko Kodama and Takehiko Itoh}, title = {Next-generation sequencing analysis of lager brewing yeast strains reveals the evolutionary history of interspecies hybridization}, journal = {DNA Research}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100767851, author = {和田陽介 and 伊藤武彦 and 梶谷嶺}, title = {全ゲノムシークエンスデータに基づいた高精度配列構造変異検出プロトコルの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100767900, author = {梶谷嶺 and 小椋義俊 and 林哲也 and 伊藤武彦}, title = {低コスト・高精度なバクテリアゲノム配列構築手法の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }