@article{CTT100845822, author = {Sangyeop Lee and Jaewoong Yi}, title = {A study on the application of high-power GaN SSPA for miniature radar}, journal = {Journal of the KIMST}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100702921, author = {石川洋介 and 李 尚曄 and 米澤 慎 and 池田 翔 and 方 一鳴 and 濱田泰輔 and 伊藤浩之 and 石原 昇 and 益 一哉}, title = {J型折り畳みモノポールアンテナを用いた0.5V 1.56mW OOK トランシーバモジュール}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }