@article{CTT100777714, author = {Yoshinori Mizuguchi and Yasumasa Mashimo and masayasu mie and EIRY KOBATAKE}, title = {Design of bFGF-tethered self-assembling extracellular matrix proteins via coiled-coil triple-helix formation}, journal = {Biomedical Materials}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100777814, author = {Kenji Usui and Masayasu Mie and Takashi Andou and Hisakazu Mihara and Eiry Kobatake}, title = {Fluorescent and luminescent fusion proteins for analyses of amyloid beta peptide aggregation}, journal = {Journal of Peptide Science}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780007, author = {長田紗也加 and 水口佳紀 and 眞下泰正 and 三重正和 and 小畠英理}, title = {タンパク質ハイドロゲルを利用した三次元神経組織の構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780002, author = {池田裕介 and 眞下泰正 and 三重正和 and 小畠英理}, title = {がん細胞を標的とした高機能化タンパク質ナノ粒子の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780005, author = {水口佳紀 and 眞下泰正 and 三重正和 and 小畠英理}, title = {3 次元血管ネットワーク形成を誘導する高機能タンパク質ハイドロゲルの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780006, author = {島村萌里 and 眞下泰正 and 三重正和 and 小畠英理}, title = {転写因子タンパク質導入による細胞機能制御}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780009, author = {三重 正和 and 新美 貴大 and 眞下 泰正 and 小畠 英理}, title = {DNA複製開始タンパク質を利用したDNA-タンパク質ハイブリッド分子の構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100780011, author = {大森 夢子 and 眞下 泰正 and 三重 正和 and 小畠 英理}, title = {筋特異的転写因子タンパク質を固定化したコラーゲンナノファイバーの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @misc{CTT100798364, author = {小畠英理 and 池田裕介 and 三重正和 and 眞下泰正}, title = {がん細胞を標的とした高機能タンパク質ナノ粒子}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2019, month = {}, note = {特願2017-147471(2017/07/31), 特開2019-024409(2019/02/21)} } @misc{CTT100753372, author = {小畠英理 and 水口佳紀 and 三重正和 and 眞下泰正}, title = {温度応答性ゲル化タンパク質}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2017, month = {}, note = {特願2015-226294(2015/11/19), 特開2017-093315(2017/06/01)} }