@inproceedings{CTT100832406, author = {竹下 健二 and 稲葉優介 and 内海和夫 and YinXiangbiao and 堀内 伸剛 and 近沢 孝弘}, title = {金属イオン含有亜臨界水による土壌分級物からのCsの高速イオン交換回収}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100793379, author = {Masahiko Nakase and Yusuke Inaba and Miki Harigai and Kazuo Utsumi and Kenji Takeshita}, title = {Research activity of metal ion separation in Takeshita Laboratory from solvent extraction, adsorption to contactor work}, year = 2018, } @misc{CTT100793380, author = {Yusuke Inaba and Xiangbiao Yin and Miki Harigai and Kazuo Utsumi and Masahiko Nakase and KENJI TAKESHITA}, title = {Study on remediation of contaminated soil generated by Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident}, year = 2018, }