@article{CTT100807916, author = {Yoko Arai and Andrzej W. Cwetsch and Eva Coppola and Sara Cipriani and Hidenori Nishihara and Hiroaki Kanki and Yoann Saillour and Betty Freret-Hodara and Annie Dutriaux and Norihiro Okada and Hideyuki Okano and Colette Dehay and Jeannette Nardelli and Pierre Gressens and Tomomi Shimogori and Giuseppe D’Onofrio and Alessandra Pierani}, title = {Evolutionary Gain of Dbx1 Expression Drives Subplate Identity in the Cerebral Cortex}, journal = {Cell Reports}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100810861, author = {Takuno Shohei and Ryutaro Miyagi and Jun-ichi Onami and Shiho Takahashi-Kariyazono and Akie Sato and Herbert Tichy and Masato Nikaido and Mitsuto Aibara and Shinji Mizoiri and Hillary D. J. Mrosso and Semvua I. Mzighani and Norihiro Okada and Yohey Terai}, title = {Patterns of genomic differentiation between two Lake Victoria cichlid species, Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus and H. sp. 'macula'}, journal = {BMC Evolutionary Biology}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100810865, author = {樋口拓人 and 西原秀典 and 梶谷嶺 and 豊田敦 and 伊藤武彦 and 岡田典弘 and 二階堂雅人}, title = {東アフリカ産淡水魚シクリッドゲノムにおける祖先多型遺伝子座の起源}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100810872, author = {樋口拓人 and 西原秀典 and 梶谷嶺 and 豊田敦 and 伊藤武彦 and 岡田典弘 and 二階堂雅人}, title = {ゲノムワイドなSINE 挿入解析から東アフリカ産シクリッドにおける祖先多型の持続性を解明する}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, }