@article{CTT100851485, author = {Hisayo Tsuchiya and Mikio Shimada and Kaima Tsukada and Qingmei Meng and Junya Kobayashi and Yoshihisa Matsumoto}, title = {Diminished or inversed dose-rate effect on clonogenic ability in Ku-deficient rodent cells}, journal = {Journal of Radiation Research}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100853726, author = {土屋 尚代 and 島田 幹男 and 塚田 海馬 and 孟 慶梅 and 小林 純也 and 松本 義久}, title = {DNA二重鎖修復タンパク質Ku欠損細胞における線量率効果}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, }