@article{CTT100863448, author = {K. See and T. Kadonosono and K. Miyamoto and T. Tsubaki and Y. Ota and M. Katsumi and S. Ryo and K. Aida and M. Minegishi and T. Isozaki and T. Kuchimaru and S. Kizaka-Kondoh}, title = {Antibody-guided design and identification of CD25-binding small antibody mimetics using mammalian cell surface display}, journal = {Sci. Rep.}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100854462, author = {M. Minegishi and T. Kuchimaru and K. Nakagawa and T. Isozaki and S. Fujimori and T. Kadonosono and S. Kizaka-Kondoh}, title = {Multiplexed bioluminescence imaging of cancer cell response to hypoxia and inflammation in the caudal-artery injection model of bone metastasis during zoledronic acid treatment}, journal = {Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100865044, author = {Misa Minegishi and Tetsuya Kadonosono and Shinae Kizaka-Kondoh and Takahiro Kuchimaru}, title = {Novel technology for fluorescent protein labeling of stromal cells in close proximity to cancer cells in living tissues}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863452, author = {Misa Minegishi and Tetsuya Kadonosono and Shinae Kizaka-Kondoh and Takahiro Kuchimaru}, title = {A Fluorescent labeling system of proximal cells for single-cell omics analysis of cellular interactions in metastasis}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100863456, author = {峯岸美紗 and 門之園 哲哉 and 近藤 科江 and 口丸 高弘}, title = {転移過程のがん-間質細胞相互作用の一細胞オミクス解析技術の開発}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100854468, author = {峯岸美紗 and 門之園哲哉 and 近藤科江 and 口丸高弘}, title = {細胞間相互作用可視化光技術を使ったがん転移形成過程の 1 細胞オミクス解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, }