@inproceedings{CTT100846993, author = {Akio Kodaira and Hiroyuki Nabae and Tetsuya Horiuchi and Kinji Asaka and Gen Endo and Koichi Suzumori}, title = {Au/Pt Double-Layer Electrodes and Expanding Internal Chamber for Improving Air-Hose-Free Thin McKibben Muscles}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @misc{CTT100843376, author = {大西 祐輝 and 星 隼人 and 槇原 豊 and 小平 暁雄 and 安達 波平}, title = {脚ロボット向けナビゲーションソフトウェアのシミュレータ上での評価と開発に関する基礎的検討}, year = 2021, }