@article{CTT100902190, author = {D. Shiga and X. Cheng and T. T. Kim and T. Kanda and N. Hasegawa and M. Kitamura and K. Yoshimatsu and H. Kumigashira and Kohei Yoshimatsu}, title = {Electronic phase diagram of Cr-doped VO2 epitaxial films studied by in situ photoemission spectroscopy}, journal = {Physical Review B}, year = 2023, } @article{CTT100902191, author = {Tatsuhiko Kanda and Daisuke Shiga and Asato Wada and Ryotaro Hayasaka and Yuuki Masutake and Naoto Hasegawa and Miho Kitamura and Kohei Yoshimatsu and Hiroshi Kumigashira}, title = {Quantization condition of strongly correlated electrons in oxide nanostructures}, journal = {Communications Materials}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100911118, author = {Takuto Soma and Kohei Yoshimatsu and Akira Ohtomo}, title = {Strongly correlated superconductivity in two-dimensional 2H-NbO2 layers}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100888025, author = {相馬 拓人 and 吉松 公平 and 堀場 弘司 and 組頭 広志 and 大友 明}, title = {β-パイロクロア型酸化物における金属-絶縁体転移とラットリング運動}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, }