@inproceedings{CTT100900269, author = {本田雄士 and 長尾周平 and 喜納宏昭 and 松平望 and Xueying Liu and 野本貴大 and Anjaneyulu Dirisala and 三浦裕 and 片岡一則 and 西山伸宏}, title = {集束超音波と高分子複合体を組み合わせた脳選択的AAV送達システムの構築}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @misc{CTT100892274, author = {西山伸宏 and 武元宏泰 and 三浦裕 and 野本貴大 and 松井誠 and SUNG, Yi-Jung and 豊田真広 and GhasemizadehAria and 尾木 公一 and 道西 准也  and 飯塚 宗明   and 大嶽 知之 }, title = {高純度pH応答性ポリマー及びその製造方法}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2022/026864(2022/07/06), WO 2023/282297(2023/01/12)} } @misc{CTT100892275, author = {西山伸宏 and 武元宏泰 and 三浦裕 and 野本貴大 and 松井誠 and SUNG, Yi-Jung and 豊田真広 and GhasemizadehAria and 尾木 公一 and 道西 准也   and 大嶽 知之}, title = {pH応答性脂質誘導体}, howpublished = {公開特許}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2022/026863(2022/07/06), WO 2023/282296(2023/01/12)} }