
To the students who earned doctoral degree at Tokyo Institute of Technology on and after April 1st, 2013


Revision of Part of Academic Degree Rule (in Japanese), a ministerial ordinance enforced on April 1, 2013 provides that "those who are granted doctoral degrees used to publish their theses in print. On and after 1st of April, 2013 the ordinance requires them to publish their theses through internet instead of printing."(an excerpt from the ordinance).
 In Tokyo Tech full text files in PDF format are registered in T2R2 system. For operation details, please check with "Doctoral Thesis Data Registration Flow" (PDF) .
 PDF-format-theses must be registered in T2R2 through academic data registration services of T2R2 system (via Tokyo Tech Portal).Please contact Student Division if you cannot sign in Tokyo Tech Portal for the reason of graduation, etc.

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