This page is a screen to enter the search criteria for the papers and books. Enter some search criteria to display a list of the papers and books that meet the search criteria and click the search button.

Appeal title
Enter the part of the research highlights title that you want to search. If you enter more than one string separated by spaces, you will find the research highlights including all the string in the title. If you enter more than one string separated by "or", you will find the research highlights including the strings before or after "or" in the title.
Enter the part of the officials of the research highlights that you want to search. Like for the title, you can have multiple conditions specified and "or" conditions specified.
Specify the targeted year. Only the research highlights between the start and the end of the targeted year will be considered.
Sort Condition
Specify the order at the time of displaying a list of search results. You can sort in ascending or descending order for the following items.
  • Title(in Japanese)
  • Title(in English)
  • Author(in Japanese)
  • Author(in English)
  • Start year
  • End year
Output Type
Specifies the display format of the search results. List format, citation format, table format can be selected.
Search button
Performs a search for research highlights.
Reset button
Clears the search criteria.
Advanced Research Highlight Search link
To search by specifying more detailed conditions, go to the Advanced Research Highlight Search Form

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