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MASAKI TAMORI Researcher Information

Family Name 田守  TAMORI 
First Name 正樹  MASAKI 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Life Science and Technology
Specialized Field Animal physiology/Animal behavior (Animal Physiology and Metabolism)
Degree Structure and function of the pore canals of the sea urchin madreporite. ,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  1996/--/--, 
Structure and function of the pore canals of the sea urchin madreporite. ,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  1996/--/--, 
Structure and function of the pore canals of the sea urchin madreporite. ,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  1996/--/--, 
Structure and function of the pore canals of the sea urchin madreporite. ,  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  1996/--/--, 

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