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Yosuke Mizuno Researcher Information

Family Name 水野  Mizuno 
First Name 洋輔  Yosuke 
Status Resigned or Graduated
ResearcherID E-4096-2014
Specialized Field Measurement engineering (Measurement systems, Sensing devices)
Research Theme Optoelectronics, sensing photonics, nonlinear optics, optical fibers, ultrasonics 
Degree Proposal and Performance Improvement of Brillouin Optical Correlation-Domain Reflectometry,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  The University of Tokyo,  2010/03/--, 
Spin-Dependent Transport Properties in Ferromagnetic Semiconductor GaMnAs-based Spin Hot-Carrier Transistors,  Master (Engineering),  The University of Tokyo,  2007/03/--, 
Bandwidth-Adjustable Optical Filter Using Dynamic Grating in Erbium-Doped Fiber Based on Synthesized Optical Coherence Function,  Bachelor (Engineering),  The University of Tokyo,  2005/03/--, 

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