TSENGKuo-Hsuan 研究業績一覧 (31件)
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Kitaoka, N.,
Caldwell, T.G.,
Minami, T.,
Serita, S.,
Ichihara, H.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Heise, W..
Controlled-source electromagnetic survey in a volcanic area: relationship between stacking time and signal-to-noise ratio and comparison with magnetotelluric data,
Geophysical Journal International,
Feb. 2025.
Heise W,
Bertrand EA,
Caldwell TG,
Ogawa Y,
Bannister S,
Bennie SL,
Hart, R,
Kuo-Hsuan Tseng,
Fukai M,
Ishikawa M,
Seki K,
Nishizawa T,
McGrath J.
An electrical resistivity image of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin,
Geophysical Journal International,
Vol. 231,
no. 2,
pp. 1552–1564,
Nov. 2023.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Sabri Bülent Tank,
Naoto Ujihara,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Akihiko Terada,
Yoshiya Usui,
Wataru Kanda.
Correction to: Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu–Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests,
Earth, Planets and Space,
Springer Nature,
May 2022.
Keiichi Ishizu,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Keishi Nunohara,
Noriyoshi Tsuchiya,
Masahiro Ichiki,
Hideaki Hase,
Wataru Kanda,
Shinya Sakanaka,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Yuta Hino,
Kaori Seki,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yusuke Yamaya,
Toru Mogi.
Estimation of spatial distribution and fluid fraction of a potential supercritical geothermal reservoir by magnetotelluric data: a case study from Yuzawa geothermal field, NE Japan,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
American Geophysical Union,
Volume 127,
Issue 2,
Feb. 2022.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Sabri Bülent Tank,
Naoto Ujihara,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Akihiko Terada,
Yoshiya Usui,
Wataru Kanda.
Anatomy of active volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu–Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests,
Earth, Planets and Space,
Springer Nature,
Volume 72,
Oct. 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Takahiro Kunitomo,
Masato Fukai,
Edward A. Bertrand,
Yusuke Kinoshita,
Takuto Minami.
An initial experiment of EM-ACROSS with magnetotelluric sounding in the Mount Kusatsu-Shirane region, Japan,
, The 13th SEGJ International Symposium What’s Next? - Technology for Discovery, Safety and Sustainability,12 - 14 November 2018, Tokyo, Japan,
Nov. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Kitaoka, N.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Serita, S.,
Minami, T.,
Ichihara, H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Caldwell, G.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Heise, W..
Controlled-source electromagnetic survey for investigating Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan,
EMIW 2024,
Sept. 2024.
Keiichi Ishizu,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Takahiro Kunitomo,
Norihiro Kitaoka,
T. Grant Caldwell,
Takuto Minami,
Sohei Serita,
Hiroshi Ichihara,
Ted Bertrand,
Wiebke Heise.
3D inversion of onshore controlled source electromagnetic data in the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano,
7th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics,
Nov. 2023.
Heise, W.,
Bertrand, E.,
Caldwell, T.G.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Bannister, S.,
Bennie, S.,
Hart, R.,
Palmer, N.,
Fukai, M.,
Ishikawa, M.,
Seki, K.,
Nishizawa, T.,
McGrath, J..
Plate coupling at the northern Hikurangi margin: new results from magnetotellurics,
Jpgu 2023,
May 2023.
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Serita, S.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Minami, T.,
Ichihara, H,
Caldwell, T.G.,
Heise, W.,
Bertrand E.A..
Application of EM-ACROSS to investigate of underground structures of the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan,
Jpgu 2023,
May 2023.
Serita, S.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Ishizu, K.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Minami, T.,
Ichihara, H,
Caldwell, T.G.,
Heise, W.,
Bertrand E.A..
EM-ACROSS System: Installation at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan,
EMIW 2022,
Sept. 2022.
Keiichi Ishizu,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Keishi Nunohara,
Noriyoshi Tsuchiya,
Masahiro Ichiki,
Hideaki Hase,
Wataru Kanda,
Shinya Sakanaka,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Yuta Hino,
Kaori Seki,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yusuke Yamaya,
Toru Mogi.
Estimation of spatial distribution and fluid fraction of a potential supercritical geothermal reservoir by magnetotelluric data: a case study from Yuzawa geothermal field, NE Japan,
AGU 2021 Fall meeting,
Dec. 2021.
Wiebke Heise,
Grant Caldwell,
Ted Bertrand,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Stephen Bannister,
Garth Archibald,
Stewart Bennie,
Rory Hart,
Neville Palmer,
Kaori Seki,
Masato Fukai,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Tatsuji Nishizawa,
Jack McGrath.
Plate coupling at the Hikurangi margin: insights from magnetotellurics,
2020 AGU Fall meeting,
Dec. 2020.
Yasuo Ogawa,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
S. Bulent Tank,
Naoto Ujihara,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Akihiko Terada,
Yoshiya Usui,
Wataru Kanda.
Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, imaged by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests,
2020 AGU Fall meeting,
Dec. 2020.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa.
A tensor measurement with simultaneously transmitted Electromagnetic Accurately Controlled, Routinely Operated Signal System: utilization of distortionless response tensor,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020,
July 2020.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Nurhasan Nurhasan,
Sabri Bülent Tank,
Yoshimori Honkura,
Naoto Ujihara,
Akihiko Terada,
Yoshiya Usui,
Wataru Kanda.
Anatomy of Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020,
July 2020.
Masato FUKAI,
Yasuo OGAWA*,
Kuo-Hsuan TSENG,
Masahiro ICHIKI,
Shinichi TAKAKURA.
Magnetotelluric Imaging of Kitakami Mountains, Forearc of NE Japan, in Sereach for Water Wall,
International Symposium Crustal Dynamics (ISCD-2): Toward Integrated View of Island Arc Seismogenesis,
Mar. 2019.
Tseng, K.H.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Fukai, M.,
Bertrand, E. A.,
Kinoshita, Y.,
Minami, T..
EM-ACROSS experiment at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano,
24th EM Induction Workshop, 13–20 Aug 2018 in Helsingør, Denmark,
Aug. 2018.
Fukai, M.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Tseng K.H.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Kinoshita, Y.,
Ichiki, M..
MT Observations in the Kitakami Mountains, NE Japan: Heavy current channelings and 3d resistivity model,
24th EM Induction Workshop, 13–20 Aug 2018 in Helsingør, Denmark.,
Aug. 2018.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
布原 啓史,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
JPGU 2022,
May 2022.
深井 雅斗,
小川 康雄,
TSENG Kuo-Hsuan,
市来 雅啓,
Shinichi Takakura.
3D imaging of NE Japan forearc: implications for fluid distribution and transport,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020,
July 2020.
TSENG Kuo-Hsuan,
小川 康雄,
S. Bulent Tank,
臼井 嘉哉,
神田 径,
深井 雅斗.
3-D resistivity modeling of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, with revisited magnetotelluric data,
第146回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 総会および講演会,
Oct. 2019.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Takahiro Kunitomo,
Masato Fukai,
Hiroshi Ichihara.
New development and operation of the EM-ACROSS: an investigation at Mount Kusatsu-Shiran,
May 2019.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Sabri Bulent Tank,
Akihiko Terada,
Wataru Kanda,
Masato Fukai.
Magnetotelluric images of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, revisited by 3-D modeling with tetrahedral elements considered topography effect,
May 2019.
布原 啓史,
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
岡野 広樹,
小川 康雄,
土屋 範芳.
Preliminary report on geothermal structure revealed by geological and MT surveys around Akayumatasawa river in Sanzugawa caldera, NE Japan,
May 2019.
Tseng, K. H.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Fukai, M.,
Ichihara, H..
A controlled-source electromagnetic investigation using new developed EM-ACROSS signal at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano,
平成30年度 Conductivity Anomaly 研究会, 京都大学おうばくプラザ, 2019.1.11,
Jan. 2019.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Takahiro Kunitomoi,
Masato Fukai,
Hiroshi Ichihara,
Takuto Minami.
Controlled source electromagnetic approach with EM-ACROSS signal,
Nov. 2018.
Kuo Hsuan Tseng,
Yasuo Ogawa,
Takahiro Kunitomo,
Masato Fukai,
Edward A. Bertrand,
Yusuke Kinoshita,
Takuto Minami.
EM ACROSS experiment at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano,
May 2018.
Electromagnetic induction study of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, using natural and controlled sources,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Electromagnetic induction study of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, using natural and controlled sources,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Electromagnetic induction study of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan, using natural and controlled sources,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Science),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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