劉載勲 2021年 研究業績一覧 (8件 / 28件)
Shungo Kumazawa,
Kazushi Kawamura,
Thiem Van Chu,
Masato Motomura,
Jaehoon Yu.
ExtraFerns: Fully Parallel Ensemble Learning Technique with Random Projection and Non-Greedy yet Minimal Memory Access Training,
International Journal of Networking and Computing,
July 2021.
Junnosuke Suzuki,
Tomohiro Kaneko,
Kota Ando,
Kazutoshi Hirose,
Kazushi Kawamura,
Thiem Van Chu,
Masato Motomura,
Jaehoon Yu.
ProgressiveNN: Achieving Computational Scalability with Dynamic Bit-Precision Adjustment by MSB-first Accumulative Computation,
International Journal of Networking and Computing,
July 2021.
Kazutoshi Hirose,
Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki,
Jaehoon Yu,
Masato Motomura.
Selective Fine-Tuning on a Classifier Ensemble: Realizing Adaptive Neural Networks With a Diversified Multi-Exit Architecture,
IEEE Access,
Vol. 9,
pp. 6179-6187,
Jan. 2021.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Thiem Van Chu,
Ryuichi Kitajima,
Kazushi Kawamura,
Jaehoon Yu,
Masato Motomura.
A High-Performance and Flexible FPGA Inference Accelerator for Decision Forests Based on Prior Feature Space Partitioning,
International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology,
Dec. 2021.
Angel Lopez Garcia-Arias,
Masanori Hashimoto,
Masato Motomura,
Jaehoon Yu.
Hidden-Fold Networks: Random Recurrent Residuals Using Sparse Supermasks,
The British Machine Vision Conference,
Nov. 2021.
Kota Ando,
Jaehoon Yu,
Kazutoshi Hirose,
Hiroki Nakahara,
Kazushi Kawamura,
Thiem Van Chu,
Masato Motomura.
Edge Inference Engine for Deep & Random Sparse Neural Networks with 4-bit Cartesian-Product MAC Array and Pipelined Activation Aligner,
Hot Chips,
Aug. 2021.
Takashi Imagawa,
Jaehoon Yu,
Masanori Hashimoto,
Hiroyuki Ochi.
MUX Granularity Oriented Iterative Technology Mapping for Implementing Compute-Intensive Applications on Via-Switch FPGA,
Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE),
Feb. 2021.
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