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English:MIMO relay channel measurement system and initial measurement results 
Japanese: 野田将矢, タンザカン, Ky Leng, 水谷圭一, 阪口啓, 荒木純道.  
English: Masashi Noda, Gia Khanh Tran, Leng KY, Keiichi Mizutani, Kei Sakaguchi, Kiyomichi Araki.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:電子情報通信学会 技術研究報告 
English:IEICE Technical Report 
Volume, Number, Page SR2007-28, vol. 107    no. 162    pp. 47-53
Published date July 2007 
Conference name
English:IEICE Technical Committee on Software Radio 
Conference site
Japanese:神奈川, 横須賀, 横須賀リサーチパーク 
English:YRP, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 
Official URL http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/20070726WAwa/
Abstract In this paper, Propagation measurement system for MIMO relay network was fabricated, and measurement experiment was conducted. Although MIMO relay is known to increase channel capacity and enlarge area coverage of wireless network, there are rarely experiment results to show its superiority. In this paper, measurement system composed of three MIMO tranceivers and mobile positioners was fabricated, by which the channel reponses corresponding to the relative position of the three node (transmit, relay and receive node ) cans be measured. The Initial experiment was conducted in the indoor environment of L-shaped corridor, where shadowing effect on the direct link between the transmitter and receiver is dominant, to validate the performance of MIMO relay system.

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