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English:Effects of organic modifiers on the size-controlled synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanorods 
Japanese: Wang Aili, Yin Hengbo, Liu Dong, Wu Huixiong, ε’Œη”° ι›„δΊŒ, Ren Min, Xu Yiqing, Jiang Tingshun, Cheng Xiaonong.  
English: Wang Aili, Yin Hengbo, Liu Dong, Wu Huixiong, Wada Yuji, Ren Min, Xu Yiqing, Jiang Tingshun, Cheng Xiaonong.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Applied Surface Science 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 253    No. 6    pp. 3311-3316
Published date June 2007 
English:Elsevier B.V. 
Conference name
Conference site
Abstract Size-controlled synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanorods were carried out by chem. pptn. method using polyethylene glycol (MW 600), Tween 20, trisodium citrate, and D-sorbitol as org. modifiers and starting from calcium nitrate, phosphoric acid, and ammonia soln. The influence of the org. modifiers on the sizes of the resultant HAP nanorods was investigated under different synthesis temps. It was found that polyethylene glycol was beneficial to the formation of HAP nanorods with a larger aspect ratio (av. length/av. diam.) at high synthesis temp., Tween 20 and trisodium citrate favored the formation of small-sized HAP nanorods, and D-sorbitol helped the formation of HAP nanorods with long length at low synthesis temps.

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