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English:Biomolecular Nano-Flow-Sensor to Measure Near-Surface Flow 
Japanese: 山本貴富喜, 藤井輝夫, Hiroyuki Noji, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Sang-Wook Lee.  
English: Takatoki Yamamoto, Fujii Teruo, Hiroyuki Noji, Haruyuki Kinoshita, Sang-Wook Lee.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Nanoscale Research Letters 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 5    No. 2    pp. 296-301
Published date Jan. 2010 
English:Springer New York 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/k231182v82532h20/?p=1e536d13212a4b4eaac7f4810030fcf5&pi=0
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11671-009-9479-3
Abstract We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated that the measurement of the near-surface flow at the interface between a liquid and solid using a 10 nm-sized biomolecular motor of F1-ATPase as a nano-flow-sensor. For this purpose, we developed a microfluidic test-bed chip to precisely control the liquid flow acting on the F1-ATPase. In order to visualize the rotation of F1-ATPase, several hundreds nanometer-sized particle was immobilized at the rotational axis of F1-ATPase to enhance the rotation to be detected by optical microscopy. The rotational motion of F1-ATPase, which was immobilized on an inner surface of the test-bed chip, was measured to obtain the correlation between the near-surface flow and the rotation speed of F1-ATPase. As a result, we obtained the relationship that the rotation speed of F1-ATPase was linearly decelerated with increasing flow velocity. The mechanism of the correlation between the rotation speed and the near-surface flow remains unclear, however the concept to use biomolecule as a nano-flow-sensor was proofed successfully.

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