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English:Adhesive Force Measurement of Cellulose Derivatives in an Aqueous System 
Japanese: 中目 万理, 磯部 敏宏, 中島 章.  
English: Mari Nakanome, Toshihiro Isobe, Akira Nakajima.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Nov. 2010 
Conference name
English:3rd International Congress on Ceramics 
Conference site
English:Osaka, Japan 
Abstract Cellulose derivatives are generally used as binders for ceramic process. However the interaction between inorganic materials and organics have not been evaluated concretely and quantitatively. In this research, the adhesion behaviour of the Methylcellulose (MC) on the Al2O3 surfaces was measured by the colloid probe method. The force curve measurement was carried out in 0.2 mass% MC aqueous solution. The retraction curves show some successive detachments of a MC molecule from the Al2O3 substrate. It was fitted with worm like chain model. The persistence length was estimated equal to about 0.15 nm for these curves. The MC aqueous solution containing 0.1 – 2.0 mass% polyethylenegricol (PEG) with average molecular weight of 200 was also evaluated. The force curve measured into the solution containing less than 1 mass% PEG also shows that the MC moleculers detached from the substrate. On the other hands, that measured into the solution containing 2.0 mass% PEG did not shows any detchments. To analyze this difference, the solutions were evaluated by 1H-NMR and DLS. From these results, it is regarded that the PEG moleculars are thought to absorb into MC molecular by a hydrophobic interaction. And the PEG affects to the comfomation of MC and the surplus PEG selectively adsorbs on the Al2O3 surface was considered.

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