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English:Ferrimagnetism and spontaneous ordering of transition metals in double perovskite La2CrFeO6 films 
Japanese: Chakraverty Suvankar, 大友 明, 奥山 大輔, 斎藤 光浩, 奥出 正樹, 熊井 玲児, 有馬 孝尚, 十倉 好紀, 着本 享, 幾原 雄一, 川崎 雅司.  
English: S. Chakraverty, A. Ohtomo, D. Okuyama, M. Saito, M. Okude, R. Kumai, T. Arima, Y. Tokura, S. Tsukimoto, Y. Ikuhara, M. Kawasaki.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Physical Review B 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 84        064436-1-5
Published date Aug. 26, 2011 
English:American Physical Society 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v84/i6/e064436
DOI https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.84.064436
Abstract We report on the atomic ordering of B-site transition metals and magnetic properties of epitaxial La2CrFeO6 double-perovskite films grown by pulsed-laser deposition under various conditions. The highest-ordered sample exhibited a fraction of antisite disorder of only 0.05 and a saturation magnetization of ∼2 μB per formula unit at 5 K. The result is consistent with the antiferromagnetic ordering of local spin moment (3d3↓3d5↑; S = −3/2 + 5/2 = 1). Therefore, the magnetic ground state of La2CrFeO6 double perovskite that has been long debated is unambiguously revealed to be ferrimagnetic. Our results present a wide opportunity to explore novel magnetic properties of binary transition-metal perovskites upon epitaxial stabilization of the ordered phase.

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