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English:Comparison between the thresholds of shape and facial expression change across saccade 
Japanese: 伊波 慧, 金子 寛彦.  
English: Satoshi IHA, Hirohiko KANEKO.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:IEICE Technical Report 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 112    No. 112    pp. 45-48
Published date June 23, 2012 
English:The Institute of electronics 
Conference name
English:Human Information Processing 
Conference site
Abstract Human acquire visual information from wide area with saccade and perceive sharp and wide view. In that process, it is unclear what information is integrated and encoded across saccade. Our previous showed that the sensitivity of orientation discrimination was worse for the stimulus presentation across saccade than for the stimulus presentation during fixation. However, the sensitivity is better near the cardinal than oblique axes. These facts might indicate that the concept of the stimulus changes around cardinal axis but it does not around oblique axes. In this research, we examined whether the conceptual change of stimuli across saccade influenced the perceptual continuity across saccade. We used the stimuli of circular arc and facial expression based on the arc, and analyzed the responses to the change between the pre- and post- saccadic stimuli. The results showed no clear difference between the change of circular arc and that of facial expression.

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