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English:Creation of Internatioanl Environment through an Increase in International Students 
Japanese: 佐藤由利子.  
English: Yuriko Sato.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Abstract Book 12thInternational Congress of Educating Cities of Changwon April 25-29 
Volume, Number, Page         p. 133
Published date Apr. 11, 2012 
English:Changwon City 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://www.iaec2012.go.kr/eng/sub/04_01.jsp
Abstract When compared to metropolitan cities, rural/regional cities have disadvantages in attracting international students. They face aging populations, a smaller number of companies and less employment and entertainment opportunities. However, these areas can actually provide advantages such as inexpensive living-costs, rich natural environment, and local culture. This Session will introduce the joint efforts by local governments and universities in Oita of Japan in comparison with Adelaide of South Australia to attract and support international students. We will cross-analyze the resulting social changes and the effect in creating international envirnment according to their economic/demographic/linguistic conditions. The speaker will present the two cases of Oita in Japan and the State of South Australia (SA). In Oita the number of international students has increased by 14 times since the establishment of a private university in 2000. University Consortium Oita was established by the prefectural and city governments in collaboration with the local universities and the local Chambers of Commerce & Industry in order to support the increased number of international students and to promote their exchange with local people in order to create more international environment in the region. Oita prefectural government drew up internationalization strategy in which international students are referred as important actors who will contribute to economy through their employment in local industry and cooperation in the PR of tourism in Oita. The state government of SA set up Education Adelaide in 1998 in collaboration with the Adelaide City Council and local universities in order to increase SA’s market share of international students in Australia and to establish Adelaide as an international education destination. International education is SA’s fourth biggest export earner, generating 1 billion Australian dollars in 2010. Finally, the efforts to attract and support international students and the resulting social changes in Oita of Japan and Adelaide of Australia will be cross-analyzed and categorized according to their economic, demographic, and linguistic attributes. Then, the audience will be invited to ask questions and to introduce the efforts of their municipalities and universities to attract international students and promote their social inclusion.

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