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English:Exploring your Business Leaders though Visual Characters 
Japanese: 佐々木康浩, 内田瑛, 國上 真章, 吉川 厚, 寺野 隆雄.  
English: Yasuhiro Sasaki, Hikaru Uchida, Masaaki Kunigami, Atsushi Yoshikawa, Takao Terano.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
Volume, Number, Page         pp. 40-44
Published date Feb. 24, 2013 
Conference name
English:The Fifth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management (eKNOW 2013) 
Conference site
Official URL http://www.iaria.org/conferences2013/eKNOW13.html
Abstract We propose a novel method to identify desirable leader images in each situation. Leader's characteristics have been researched. However, many researchers could not find unique his/her characteristics. Therefore, desirable characteristics are different in each situation which he/she meets. In order to capture the desirable characters in each situation, we apply the persona technique, which was firstly introduced by Cooper and then has been spread in the field of product development. The proposed method is characterized by the procedure: 1) set persona characters with various attributes, 2) assign the attribute values by orthogonal design techniques, 3) set virtual business situations, 4) based on the business situations, get questionnaire data on the personas from subjects, and 5) evaluate the data to get the leader images of the corresponding business situations. As results of our method, we detected the different in the sense of designed characters' attributes in each situation.

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