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English:Enhancing Motivation and Performance through an Algorithm Learning Tool 
Japanese: アバンセニアエイミー テレッサ スワン, 西原明法, 近藤千香.  
English: Aimee Theresa S Avancena, AKINORI NISHIHARA, Chika Kondo.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Nov. 18, 2013 
Conference name
English:The 3rd International Symposium on Engineering, Energy and Environment 
Conference site
Official URL http://iseee.engr.tu.ac.th/
Abstract An algorithm learning tool was created for the students of the Information Systems course track of Tokyo Tech High School in Japan. Following a specialized computer and information systems curriculum, these students need to acquire the proper motivation for learning fundamental computer science concepts especially algorithms. The tool was used as an aid for learning basic algorithms such as search and sort. It comes as a web-based lesson with two types of algorithm visualizations, one with more input control and the other with limited control. This research hopes to determine if there is an improvement in the learning motivation and performance of the students after using the algorithm learning tool. Two questionnaires on motivation were designed and implemented: the Questionnaire on Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Learning Attitudes (QMSLA), based on Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the Questionnaire on Motivation based on the ARCS model. The Questionnaire on the Usability and Pedagogical Success of the Algorithm Learning Tool and the Algorithm Visualization, also made for this study, was used to evaluate the learning tool. The results presented in this paper comprise of the analysis mainly done on the QMSLA. Results show that there is an increase in the motivation level of the students after using the learning tool. There is also a correlation between the increase in motivation and the increase in learning performance based on the post-test on algorithms. A number of features of the learning tool have been found to correlate with the increase in motivation among the students.

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