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English:Cognitive Correlates of Performance in Algorithms in a Computer Science Course for High School (JCMST) 
Japanese: アバンセニアエイミー テレッサ スワン, 西原明法.  
English: Aimee Theresa S Avancena, AKINORI NISHIHARA.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 33    No. 2    pp. 137-155
Published date Apr. 2014 
English:Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA 
Conference name
Conference site
English:Austin, Texas 
Official URL http://www.editlib.org/p/41337/
Abstract Computer science for high school faces many challenging issues. One of these is whether the students possess the appropriate cognitive ability for learning the fundamentals of computer science. Online tests were created based on known cognitive factors and fundamental algorithms and were implemented among the second grade students in the Information Systems course track at TokyoTech High School of Science and Technology. The online test results were evaluated together with the results of the students’ midterm exam on algorithms. The findings of this study may be used in devising strategies for effective learning of computing fundamentals. The correlated cognitive factors may be the bases for designing a course outline and problem exercises for introductory computer science. The correlated algorithms may be incorporated in an assessment test for students who plan to pursue computing-related field.

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