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English:Magnetic anisotropy of [Co2MnSi/Pd]n superlattice films prepared on MgO(001), (110), and (111) substrates 
Japanese: 松下直輝, 高村 陽太, 藤野 頼信, 園部 義明, 中川 茂樹.  
English: N. Matsushita, Y. Takamura, Y. Fujino, Y. Sonobe, S. Nakagawa.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Appl. Phys. Lett. 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 106    No. 6    pp. 062403/1-4
Published date Feb. 9, 2015 
English:AIP Publishing 
Conference name
Conference site
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4907892
Abstract Superlattice films with full-Heusler Co2MnSi (CMS) alloy and Pd layers prepared on Pd-buffered MgO(001), (110), and (111) substrates were investigated. Crystal orientation and epitaxial relationship of Pd and CMS layers were analyzed from x-ray diffraction, pole figure measurements, and transmission electron microscope observation. Formation of the L21-ordered structure in the CMS layers was confirmed by observation of CMS(111) diffraction. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) was obtained in the [CMS (0.6 nm)/Pd (2 nm)]6 superlattice film formed using MgO(111) substrates although other superlattice films prepared using MgO(001) and (110) substrates showed in-plane and isotropic magnetic anisotropy, respectively. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy constant K for the superlattice films prepared using MgO(111) substrate was estimated to be 2.3 Mergs/cm3, and an interfacial anisotropy constant K i per one CMS-Pd interface in the superlattice films was estimated to be 0.16 ergs/cm2. K i in superlattice films with various crystal orientations showed positive values, indicating that Pd/CMS interfaces had an ability to induce PMA regardless of their crystal orientation.

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