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English:An Ultrasonic Motor Using a Titanium Transducer for a Cryogenic Environment 
Japanese: Takeda Dai, Yamaguchi Daisuke, 神田岳文, 鈴森康一, Noguchi Yuya.  
English: Takeda Dai, Yamaguchi Daisuke, Takefumi Kanda, Suzumori Koichi, Noguchi Yuya.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Jpn J Appl Phys 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 52    No. 7    pp. pp07HE13-1- 07HE13-6
Published date June 2013 
English:The Japan Society of Applied Physics 
Conference name
Conference site
Abstract We have fabricated an ultrasonic motor using a titanium transducer. This motor is for driving in the cryogenic temperature condition with a highly intense magnetic field. Titanium has low magnetic permeability and a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of lead zirconate titanate (PZT). These features mean that a transducer made of titanium has good properties for use in such an environment. We have fabricated and evaluated the ultrasonic motor in a cryogenic environment and an intense magnetic field. We have simulated the thermal stress applied to PZT in consideration of nonlinear material properties in the cryogenic environment. The thermal stress of the titanium transducer is smaller than that of the SUS304 transducer. Moreover, we have achieved driving of the ultrasonic motor at 4.5 K. Additionally, we have confirmed that there is little effect of the intense magnetic field on the driving of the motor.

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