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Japanese:N2 - H2 混合気体放電プラズマ中NH分子振動と回転温度の影響 
English:Vibrati onal and Rotational Te mperature Dependence of NH in Microwave N2 - H2 Mixture Gas Discharge 
Japanese: 譚浩, 根津篤, 赤塚洋.  
English: Hao Tan, Atsushi Nezu, Hiroshi Akatsuka.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
Japanese:2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集 
English:Extended Abstracts of The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015 
Volume, Number, Page         p. 07-038
Published date Aug. 31, 2015 
Japanese:公益社団法人 応用物理学会 
English:The Japan Society of Applied Physics 
Conference name
Japanese:2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 
English:The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015 
Conference site
Official URL https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/jsap2015a/subject/15a-2V-2/tables?cryptoId=
Abstract The N2-H2 mixture discharge has been investigated since over 50 years ago. Recently it become hot topics again because its widely usage in nitric processes and some industrial applications. Since low-temperature and low-pressure plasma can provide peak-resoluble spectrum, it is a very helpful method to diagnose plasmas and to investigate molecular properties. In this research, we obtained the spectra of N2-H2 mixture discharges both theoretically and experimentally. In N2-H2 mixture discharge, N2 2nd positive system (2PS) and NH 336-nm system can be observed. The N2 2PS ranges from 300-400 nm and NH 336-nm system ranges around 336 nm, which originates from the electric transitions from N2 C 3Π to B 3Π and NH A3Π to X3Σ- molecular states. Figure 1 shows the band spectra of N2-H2 mixture discharge. By fitting the spectra with the theoretical calculations, the vibrational and rotational temperature can be obtained. And after some analysis, we supposed two reactions that generate the NHA3Π excited state.

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