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English:Reversible superconductor-insulator transition in LiTi2O4 induced by Li-ion electrochemical reaction 
Japanese: 吉松 公平, 丹羽三冬, 増子尚徳, 大島 孝仁, 大友 明.  
English: K. Yoshimatsu, M. Niwa, H. Mashiko, T. Oshima, A. Ohtomo.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Scientific Reports 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 5    16325   
Published date Nov. 6, 2015 
English:Macmillan Publishers Limited 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://www.nature.com/articles/srep16325#supplementary-information
DOI https://doi.org/10.1038/srep16325
Abstract Transition metal oxides display various electronic and magnetic phases such as high-temperature superconductivity. Controlling such exotic properties by applying an external field is one of the biggest continuous challenges in condensed matter physics. Here, we demonstrate clear superconductor-insulator transition of LiTi2O4 films induced by Li-ion electrochemical reaction. A compact electrochemical cell of pseudo-Li-ion battery structure is formed with a superconducting LiTi2O4 film as an anode. Li content in the film is controlled by applying a constant redox voltage. An insulating state is achieved by Li-ion intercalation to the superconducting film by applying reduction potential. In contrast, the superconducting state is reproduced by applying oxidation potential to the Li-ion intercalated film. Moreover, superconducting transition temperature is also recovered after a number of cycles of Li-ion electrochemical reactions. This complete reversible transition originates in difference in potentials required for deintercalation of initially contained and electrochemically intercalated Li+ ions.

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