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English:Linkage between International Student Policy and Skilled Migration Policy: Comparison of the Related Policies in Four Countries and Case Study in Australia 
Japanese: 佐藤由利子.  
English: Yuriko Sato.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:Migration Policy Review 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 7        pp. 101-117
Published date May 15, 2015 
English:Japan Association for Migration Policy Studies 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://www.iminseisaku.org/top/pdf/journal/007/007_101.pdf
Abstract Australia has increased its number of international students and export income drastically by the linkage between international student policy and skilled immigration policy. However, because of the rapid increase of international students whose main purpose is immigration, not study, and a rise of criticism that many students who obtained permanent residency do not work in the designated skill fields, several reforms have been undertaken to increase the selectivity of international student immigrants and weaken the linkage. In this paper, after comparing the international student policy and skilled immigration policy of Australia with those of USA, Germany and Japan, the author reviews the change of the relationship of the two policies in Australia from the late 1990s to 2013 and analyzes the influencing factors. As the result of the analysis, two factors which promote the acceptance of international students as skilled immigrants are found, namely, the shortage of skilled workforce and the needs of income of the educational institutions. On the other hand, two other factors which regulate their acceptance as skilled immigrants are found, namely, the anxiety of the Australian society about the rapid increase of international students whose main purpose is immigration and the securing employment for the Australian citizens. Promoting policies (accelerators) and regulating policies (brakes) appear in turn reflecting the above mentioned economic and political factors. Australian case study provides precious policy implications to Japan where the percentage of former international students among skilled foreign workforce is high like in Australia compared to those in USA and Germany.

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