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English:Dynamic Control and Analysis of Dc-Capacitor Voltage Fluctuations in Three-Phase Active Power Filters 
Japanese: 萬年 智介, 藤田 英明, 秋山 邦裕, 豊田 晃久, 中嶋 康夫.  
English: Tomoyuki Mannen1), Hideaki Fujita, Kunihiro Akiyama, Teruhisa Toyota, Yasuo Nakashima.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:IEEJ Trans. IA 
Volume, Number, Page vol. 135    no. 6    pp. 718-724
Published date June 1, 2015 
English:Institute of Electrical Engineering in Japan 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejias/135/6/135_718/_article/-char/ja/
DOI https://doi.org/10.1541/ieejias.135.718
Abstract This paper proposes a new control method for three-phase active power filters to reduce the dc capacitor voltage fluctuations caused by a quick load change. The new control method introduces a new k-step compensator, which maintains the mean active power at zero every 1/(k-1) ac line period. Therefore, the compensator can suppress the transient voltage fluctuations across the dc capacitor, even when a quick load change occurs. This paper theoretically reveals the relationship between the step number k and the reduction of the dc voltage fluctuations. The experimental setup introducing the proposed 7-step compensator exhibits good suppression of the dc voltage fluctuations and makes it possible to reduce the required capacitance of the dc capacitor by a factor of seven.

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