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English:Effect of Instructor Inclusion Type and Course Complexity on Students’ Learning in Lecturer Video 
Japanese: 曹建霞, 西原明法, 王世娟.  
English: Jianxia Cao, AKINORI NISHIHARA, Shijuan Wang.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers 
Volume, Number, Page         pp. 181-188
Published date Oct. 2018 
English:Association for Computing Machinery 
Conference name
English:10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers 
Conference site
DOI https://doi.org/10.1145/3290511.3290544
Abstract Instructional contexts using slideshow and lecturer video are reported to be more engaging and appealing to students compared than context without instructor’s video. But to which proportion instructor’s inclusion should take in the instructional video still remains unknown. This study examined students’ perceived instructor’s presence (SPIP) and satisfaction using two types of instructor’s inclusion, combining with two learning courses at different complexity levels. Explanatory Factor Analysis was done for students’ perceived instructor’s presence, three factors were identified, sense of connection, usefulness for clear clarification, helpfulness for assisting-understanding. MANOVA analysis showed that there was interaction effect for students’ perceived satisfaction between course complexity and the type of instructor inclusion. For bigger instructor inclusion, students’ perceived instructor presence was higher for more complex learning course. For easier learning course, students’ satisfaction was higher for smaller instructor inclusion. This preliminary finding provides hints for instructional video designers and facilitators.
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