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Japanese:当たり前サービスの品質とコストのトレードオフに関する考察 ー 航空機整備の事例 
English:Trade-off Relationship of Quality and Cost in Hygiene Services - A Case Study of Aircraft Maintenance 
Japanese: 上田恭史, 日高一義.  
English: Yukifumi Ueda, Kazuyoshi Hidaka.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
Volume, Number, Page        
Published date Mar. 3, 2019 
Conference name
Japanese:サービス学会 第7回 国内大会 
English:7th Annual meeting of Society of Serviceology 
Conference site
Abstract This study focuses on the balance between hygiene factors of service quality and its cost. Concepts in trade-off between hygiene service quality and cost is summarized, then empirical analysis is performed on practical business to derive managerial implications. Zone of tolerance feature in service quality and trade-off relationship between quality and cost will be used to develop concepts for trade-off on hygiene service quality and cost. Aircraft maintenance in the air transport business is taken as an example of hygiene service. On-time performance is considered second to safety as a quality criteria in the airline industry, thus it is adopted as a quality index in this study. Trade-off relation between on-time performance and maintenance cost was not observed in the airline industry as a whole, however there is such a relationship in particular airlines. In the airlines who evaluate its quality with a function of maintenance cost, they are capable to optimize the business by properly controlling their quality targets and cost standards. This could lead to advantage for themselves from the competitors.

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