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English:Nuclear Safety and Security Education Program at Tokyo Tech 
Japanese: 韓 治暎, 相樂 洋, 齊藤正樹, 井頭 政之.  
English: Chi Young HAN, Hiroshi SAGARA, Masaki Saito, Masayuki IGASHIRA.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Journal of Nuclear Materials Management 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 46    No. 1    p. 31-39
Published date Jan. 2018 
English:Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 
Conference name
Conference site
Abstract Tokyo Institute of Technology established the Academy for Global Nuclear Safety and Security Agent in 2011 to develop global nuclear human resources, educate excellent graduate students, and foster the next generation of global leaders with communication skills and social literacy in nuclear safety, security, and safeguards. The academy established the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Dojo Program to prepare students to play leading roles internationally in the academic, industrial, and governmental sectors. The program provides them with special living quarters in a nuclear-safety-and-security interest house, an incentive scholarship, and a well-rounded curriculum of academic study and field experience. The program combined five sets of specially designed courses from multiple disciplines with existing nuclear engineering courses. The academy hosts an annual international symposium and seminar to provide students with a customized forum for discussions with leading experts to build up their global connections and understanding, as well as their professional competence. Students also take advantage of domestic and overseas internship opportunities for extensive study. The academy expands the opportunities for them to enhance learning experiences in a wider variety of out-of-class settings through the overseas educational training tour program in the United States, Europe, Russia, and Asia. The academy had the first graduates of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Dojo Program in 2017. Mentoring programs also provide students with professional preparation for entry into fields of work. This paper describes the objectives and curriculum of the Global Nuclear Safety and Security Dojo Program.

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