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English:TEllipsoid: Ellipsoidal Display for Videoconference System Transmitting Accurate Gaze Direction 
Japanese: 一居 太朗, 三武 裕玄, 長谷川 晶一.  
English: Taro Ichii, Hironori Mitake, Shoichi Hasegawa.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 
Volume, Number, Page         pp. 775-781
Published date Mar. 22, 2020 
Conference name
English:2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) 
Conference site
Official URL https://conferences.computer.org/vr-tvcg/2020/pdfs/VR2020-2f8MzUJjtCXG6Ue9RYFSN2/560800a775/560800a775.pdf
DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/VR46266.2020.000-3
Abstract We propose ”TEllipsoid”, an ellipsoidal display for video conference systems that can provide not only accurate eye-gaze transmission but also practicality in conferences, namely the convenience to use and the preservation of the identity of the displayed face. The display comprises an ellipsoidal screen, a small projector, and a convex mirror, where the bottom-installed projector projects the facial image of a remote participant onto the screen via the convex mirror. The facial image is made from photos shot from 360 degrees around the participant. Moreover, the image is modified to improve identity. The gaze representation is implemented by projecting the 3D model of eyeballs onto a virtual ellipsoidal screen. We evaluated the gaze transmissibility of the display in conference situations. As a result of experiments, we concluded that accurate gaze transmission is available in conferences when the angular distance of the adjacent participants is more than 38.5 degrees.

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