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English:1 Bit Error Tolerance Considering Delay of the Protocol for Reticent Sender Cooperated with Aggressively Speaking Receiver 
Japanese: 伊藤 佑樹, 北口 善明, 山岡 克式.  
English: Yuki Ito, Yoshiaki Kitaguchi, KATSUNORI YAMAOKA.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:IEICE technical report 
Volume, Number, Page Vol. 119    No. 461    pp. 267-272
Published date Mar. 2020 
Japanese:一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会 
English:The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers 
Conference name
Japanese:情報ネットワーク (IN) 2020年3月研究会 
Conference site
Official URL https://ken.ieice.org/ken/paper/2020030651Wt/
Abstract We have proposed two methods of 1 bit error tolerance of the protocol for reticent sender cooperated with aggressively speaking receiver which is effective in the asymmetric channel. One is the method by error detection and resend, the other is by error correction code. Former can reduce the number of bits sent from user, but causes large delay. On the other hand, later can reduce its delay, but increases the number of bits. We show trade-off relation between two parameter, the number of bits and delay, by theoretical analysis.

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